Title: Watching, Waiting and Wanting.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairing: Yami no Malik/Yami no Bakura+Seto.
Rating: Hard PG-13 maybe. Implied sex, mention of blood.
Word Count: 704
Summary: Carmenshipping for Sian. Seto watches, waits and wants, Yami no Malik knows it, and Yami no Bakura's too caught in the task of surviving to care what anyone else is doing. Dark, shounen-ai/yaoi, set during the Battle Ship. The parts of the series you didn't see because they never happened.
Watching, Waiting and Wanting.
Waiting, Watching & Wanting.
There are cameras all over the Battle Ship.
Yami no Malik sneaks - no, walks, for sneaks implies that he has a sense of shame - into the room of the sleeping false Malik, and raises the Rod high to stab the man, dagger unsheathed and gleaming dangerously-bright. A voice speaks from the shadows, stops him, intrigues him oddly (Yami no Malik is disinterested in everything that is not on the direct path to complete destruction) and Yami no Bakura emerges, challenging the other.
The challenge is accepted, but not before Yami no Malik smashes his lips to the others, pressing him over the bed where the ill man lies and makes him scream both in agony and pleasure. It’s almost ritualistic, like a pre-duel warmup, but surely he never treated Mai or Jounouchi in such a manner. Then again, neither of them held the same air of barely-contained malice that the pale spirit does; the same air that Yami no Malik has, the binding factors that pulls them together and tears them apart from the inside.
Seto Kaiba watches.
There are cameras on the dueling field as well, of course, taping every duel for posterity.
This duel, though, will leave no record behind. There will be only an unconscious body, and a missing golden trinket. The sound of harsh, triumphant laughter will go uncaptured, as will the Ring spirit’s final defiance, and no technology exists yet to duplicate the feel of fire. Fire outside and inside both, a final kiss goodbye causing scorching devastation because it’s not a lover’s token but rather, a gesture of contempt. You are lower than me; I have destroyed you.
Yami no Malik walks off the dueling field, encounters Yami no Yuugi, speaks meaningless non-pleasantries. The Ring hangs around his neck, and glitters darkly. It’s only switched owners but somehow, it’s easier to remember what the Ring is (blood and flesh and bone) when it’s shown against the black of the Shadow Born’s top, and not the blue-striped white of the thief’s shirt. Black against gold is so much prettier after all, and Yami no Malik has the air of an emperor as he leaves the King of Games behind.
Seto Kaiba waits.
There’s a camera in Ryou Bakura’s room, and although it usually only shows him sleeping while being watched over, sometimes it shows more.
Like Yami no Malik entering, and letting the thief out again, straddling the sick boy’s unconscious form and leaning down until the Ring touches the other’s shirt. That’s all it takes to have the ‘unconscious’ boy awaken, eyes instantly opening into narrowed slits filled with hate. Yami no Bakura can’t back away though, because if he loses contact with the Ring, then he’ll lose the ability to possess Ryou. Yami no Malik could back away but doesn’t, instead forcing himself closer to Yami no Bakura, until it’s skin against the Ring against skin. And skin against skin as well, but that’s of secondary importance, as is the blood. The scent of sex hangs heavily in the air, and Yami no Bakura is surprisingly vocal, arching and writhing against the no-longer-clean sheets, white against white and trapped by cinnamon-golden skin.
He’s not unwilling; he just wants to be dominant. He wants to win, but if he did, this game would end and it would be the Shadow Realm forever, where no games are played except that of seeing what it takes to make him scream - not with pleasure. Yami no Malik wins every time, a smirk on his lips and dark, vicious lust in his eyes as he claims the other boy, watchful and wary even in the afterglow. Indigo eyes always glance at the camera afterwards, as if he knows they’re being watched, and the smirk seems to ask if the show was enjoyed. He knows his smirk is being returned without needing to see it, and he knows how the sight of the thief getting fucked through the mattress then dismissed callously makes their audience’s groin tighten. It’s part of why he bothers with this, after all.
Seto Kaiba wants, but this is the closest he’ll ever be to taking part in their twisted game.
He doesn’t trust himself to stop playing if he ever started, and the stakes are too high for even him to afford continual losses.