
Jun 14, 2009 12:54

Continued from here.

Will tiny wonders never cease... )

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watcher_pryce November 24 2009, 01:02:08 UTC
The more I touch him the more frantic I can feel myself become. My hands are all over him as is my mouth. My body keeps rubbing up against him in any possible way I'm able too. Which is quite a task with this stomach let me tell you.

Not that this is stopping me from doing so. Rubbing and brushing and touching everywhere I can. Tugging on his hair to get his head just the way I like it. Kissing him wherever I can just the way I like it. Sucking and biting on his throat, down to his collar bone and up to his mouth again.

All the while I crave and starve of his touch. As if he hasn't touched me in days, weeks, month's. Which I know isn't true at all. Especially not considering that my getting incredibly horny from the strangest things seems to be another side effect of this bloody pregnancy. And Angel's plucking the fruits of labour when it comes to that. At least I haven't heard him complaining about *that* yet.

But while I frantically keep touching and rubbing and groaning loudly against Angel... I keep trying to get myself to stop. It's hard to do when ones body has a will of his own and my cock is so hard it's aching with need.

"Angel.. Angel... Bugger.. We-- stop," I gasp, between kissing the living - or unliving in his case - daylight (night-light?) out of him. "C-Connor... Angel. Hmmfff! Need to..." I pant, shoving my hands down his boxers finally, "Connor is right there. We need to stop!" I try, wrenching my mouth away from him with a great force of will.


_keep_me November 24 2009, 01:18:50 UTC
Oh, shit. Wes just doesn't quit. He's rubbing and grinding and making these *needy* sounds and I don't wanna stop, I don't wanna stop at all. Seems like this is practically a daily - feels like hourly at times - occurrence for us, but damn it still feels so hot and so intense each time. And Wes throws himself into it with such abandon!

I'm moaning with every little bite to my throat, hardening at the way Wes shoves me around, touching, kissing, groping me however *he* wants. And boy does he want. God, it surrounds me like some crazy intoxicating perfume and I'm shoving Wes' pants down ruthlessly, eager for more, more, more. Which I seem to be telling Wes very vocally.

"He can't see us," I say with the logic of a man with one thing on his mind. My words are muffled against Wes' mouth, but I don't much care. My hand finally curls around Wes' shift tightly and it's like coming home, it's so familiar and *exactly* what I want right now. I stroke him quickly, an urgent need coursing through me. Not sure what it is, but when Wes is like this, my responses go through the roof.

"Unh!" I gasp when there's no more mouth on mine, some words from Wes vaguely filtering through as I stare up at him with confused, but hungry eyes.


watcher_pryce November 24 2009, 05:43:04 UTC
Want, need, *crave*... and now. That's how it usually goes when this hits me. But 'usually' Angel and I are in a much better situation. Even though we have been nearly - or Angel assures me it was nearly when I had been convinced it had been fully - caught by Gunn and Cordelia. Or even Lorne and Fred. When this need is there though, I can't seem to be able to stop myself. Just... *can't*.

"No... but... hear-hear, he can hear us," I pant when Angel points out Connor can't see us. That wasn't the main problem I was having with this. Although I wouldn't want the boy traumatized because he recalls hearing his father shag anyone. Let alone see it! That would be... dear lord, the very thought alone.

That's not the problem though, I cannot help but think as I rub up against Angel. "Not-- not boxed... Oh dear god yes!" I cry out when I feel his hand curl around my aching, needing cock. Hips jerk forward as much as my current body allows them too. I throw my head back with a loud groan as a shudder goes through me.

No, no, no need to stop. Need.to.stop! But how is that possible if Angel touches me in all the right ways? Squeezing my eyes shut I swallow hard. At least not being able to look at that incredible turn on beneath me might help. It isn't really when I can still really *feel* every single touch he makes. Especially the one around my shaft.

"Not boxed in!" I finally manage to breathe out harshly, tongue snaking out to lick my lips as I once again push my erection into his oh so willing hand. "Could fall... oh god yes, Angel... off the b-bed. Don't stop, don't stop," I plead, realising the moment those words leave my lips I'm contradicting myself.


_keep_me November 27 2009, 05:40:15 UTC
"Hear us?" I absently, having completely lost the thread of the conversation the moment my fingers curled around Wes' throbbing cock. Can't hear anything but Wes - his cursing his panting, his moaning. It's all got me hard as a rock and I want Wes so *badly.*

"Mgnh," I grunt, stripping Wes' cock roughly, pushing my own hips up against him wantonly. "Fuck, Wes," I groan, grabbing at his butt and pushing him back against me as much as I'm grinding up against Wes.

"Huh?" I mutter, totally baffled, teeth tugging at Wes' ear, nipping at his throat hungrily. "What bed? He's safe, blankets boxing him," I reassure Wes, thinking I remember us talking about something Connor related a minute ago - Or years ago from the way my erection tells it. Aching, fucking aching. And I can feel Wes leaking against my palm as I stroke Wes harder, faster. Neither of us is anywhere near fighting this fiery need for each other.

"No, not gonna stop, Tiger, not gonna stop," I groan, wanting, needing more just as badly as Wes does. Even if something is niggling at the back of my brain that we probably *should* stop for a minute...


watcher_pryce November 27 2009, 08:12:04 UTC
Half of what Angel's saying or what I'm even saying myself is gone the moment it leaves my mouth. Still, there's this niggling in the back of my mind that we shouldn't be doing this. Not here at least, not like this, not now? Not so certain about the latter since there's always *time* for this.

Sex has never been on the top of any list I made. I could and have lived perfectly long without it, or needing it indeed. But since I've become pregnant? I crave for it in any possible way I can get it. That is not to say that I crave it with *anyone* I can get it. Otherwise I'd be waking off to photo's of pretty naked people al the time.

No, Angel and only Angel can still the hunger I feel inside when it comes to this. My hands can't seem to able to stop him, my lips are barely able to pause their kissing to blather something out. Something about Connor, about being on the floor, about... I don't really care anymore.

So I drop myself on top of Angel, rubbing up against him almost frantically, hands and lips everywhere while his big hand finds my cock and circles around it. That makes me throw my head back and moan loudly. "Angel," I breathe, "I want you. Need you, need you now. Please, please, please," I beg him.


_keep_me November 27 2009, 17:59:46 UTC
"Oh, fuck, Wes," I groan when Wes presses all of his weight against me, body arching against mine like he won't stop until we burst into flames. Damn, this is so good. Don't want to stop, don't ever-- But there's a noise. Soem kind of noise- I try to ignore it, but I just keep hearing it and I can't- My hand pauses and I realize it's Connor. Connor making nonsense baby noises. Connor. In the same room. Right above us. Wes will freak out if we do this and then he gets up to see our tiny son right there. Damn it!

I roll us over until I'm above Wes and it's harder for him to rub up against me with all that weight. Just- "Need- Need to stop, Wes. Stop just for a second. Fuck I don't want to stop," I groan, pulling myself up onto my hands and knees. "Just- just for a second, you gorgeous, sexy man."

"Stay here," I say breathlessly, old habits kicking in as they always do when Wes makes me lose my mind and forget I'm a vampire. God, I do not want to stop, and fuck am I hard- Could come just from look at Wes' blown out pupils and swollen lips, but-- He would never forgive himself. Wes would be mortified if we did this in front of Connor. I'm sure he's plenty mortified as it is. But I think he might never have sex with me again if I let him go all the way. Shit, shit, shit I don't want to stop though.

It's with great, great, great willpower that I unwrap my fingers around his shaft. I give Wes' forehead a kiss - anything else and we'd be at it again - and stand up. To find our son cooing away, blissfully unaware. Thank god. Snagging him up - and trying to focus on anything but my erection standing out like a flagpole, I take Connor back to his crib in the other room. Baby monitor's on, and he's got some little toys in there. I flick on his mobile above the crib and pad back out to Wes.


watcher_pryce November 27 2009, 19:24:07 UTC
Yes, yes, yes, yes, chants through my mind. The warning niggling in the back of my mind has quieted down to a dull whisper I can't hear any longer. Nor do I care. I've tried to stop Angel but I have no bloody clue why that was. Because this is so, so good. This is what I need, what I want. What my body craves. Bloody...

Except... "What..."I gasp, blinking *up* at Angel suddenly. What happened? Oh, oh he wants to be on top? Of course. Well, I don't mind as long as he doesn't stop. My hand move position to clutch his shoulders and his back. Smooth soft skin directly under my finger tips. That's my Angel, perfection. Bloody perfection. That is if he would stop blathering on!

And pulling away? What... why... "Where are you going?" I ask, looking up at the ceiling while Angel darts around to do whatever it is he's bloody well doing. He just left me hanging! He turns me on, rubs me up, pulls me off and then leaves? What the hell his this? I can't think in this state! And I'm still hungry.

"Bloody buggering hell," I curse, rolling myself to and fro until I'm able to get to my side. From there I crawl onto my hands and knees. Small moment of deja-vu there. My hard cock is leaking pre-come, throbbing painfully between my legs as I make my way over to the kitchen on said hands and knees. "If he damn well isn't going to shag me then I'm going to eat," I tell the room at large.


_keep_me November 30 2009, 04:43:58 UTC
I pad back in the bedroom quickly once I've got Connor settled and the door closed - oh, got to check that our monitor's on. Right. Good. And-

There's no Wes right where I left him. What the hell?

I tug up my pants as much as I can and look around. Only to find my pregnant boyfriend crawling on the kitchen floor, bare-assed and still erect.

"Wes? Where the hell are you going?" I say mildly curious while my shaft is very interested in that behind waggling back and forth as Wes tries to crawl. "Any chance you'd want to pick up where we left off?" Didn't I specifically ask him to stay here?

I swear, this pregnancy has made his brain melt out his ears.

Snagging some lube from the nightstand drawer, I pad into the kitchen after Wes and run my hand over his rear. "Nice view though," I add. You know I don't think we've done it in the kitchen in awhile. A few days a least. Heh.


watcher_pryce November 30 2009, 11:21:00 UTC
Continued Here


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