
Jan 18, 2008 06:22

Continued from Here

Two men and a little baby )

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_keep_me May 3 2008, 16:17:40 UTC
I smile up at Wes, my eyes closing a little at his gentle kiss. There's a quiet moment of synergy with the three of us all connected. Like everything is right in the world - not perfect because in a few moments, Wes will hit a dead end in his research, or Connor will cry - and we have this moment all to ourselves. I never thought any of this would be possible. Wes. Connor. All of us together.

I nod at Wes, getting up out of the chair gently so as to not wake the boy dozing on my shoulder. Before Wes can get back to the research though, my hand slips behind his neck to pull him in for a more thorough kiss. A claiming kiss. To thank him. Encourage him.

"Let me know if you need anything, Tiger," I tell him when I release him, kissing his forehead more gently before stepping away. Can't get carried away. "Promising is good," I echo from before, and give him a soft smile before slipping out of his office with Connor. Don't want to pressure Wes too much, but I do want him to know I want that mark. Want to tie us all together. For a very long, long time.

Carefully, I lie Connor down on the bed between our cocoon of pillows, the smell of clean laundry spreading through the room. I wrap him up carefully, and on impulse, lie down next to Connor to watch him sleep for a moment. My darling boy... Our darling boy. Wes and mine. Family.


watcher_pryce May 4 2008, 07:56:46 UTC
Sometimes life moves as though it's a gentle slow breeze on a hot summer day. Slow, very slow. And sometimes your life moves as thought it's been caught up in a hurricane and you've no other choice then to run with it or be left behind. My life in the last month resembled a hurricane. Not just because it suddenly contained on little boy - Angel's son - but because I'd finally been able to find a way to put my mark on Angel.

Cordelia and Gunn had come back from their vacation, looking happy and relaxed. To say that they were utterly stunned by the discovery of Connor would be an understatement. Cordy did some sulking and pouting in her own way when she found out we had gone out to buy some things for Connor. But as soon as Lorne came in, he swept her away to buy the rest. All the while Angel and Gunn started to rebuild rooms. Connor's bedroom right next to Ang-- ours. My library as well, apparently.

I didn't catch much of it, because I was preparing the spell. It took a month's of preparations. I didn't have enough magical powers, if you will, yet, so I needed to gather those. Every other day I'd withdraw in one of the rooms and, as Angel called it, meditated. Afterward I was rather... I think Cordelia called it 'hyped up'. Gunn just kept the sugar away from me. I don't think Angel minded at all, considering the nights following were very...erm... memorable.

And now the time had come to do the spell I'd been working so hard on the last month. To say that I was nervous would also be an understatement. I wasn't just busy concentrating on the upcoming spell, but also had to calm Angel down. Cordy and Gunn had taken him with them for the night, and it was the first time the boy was away from us for so long. I think Angel called the pair five times now since they left less then an hour ago.

Currently he's being lectured by Lorne, who's come to pick up Fred. Of course I'm not going to admit that I've called Gunn once already as well. Just to make sure. Right now though, I'm getting everything ready for the spell. I've decided to do it in our room. The circle of candles is all ready. I have the potion. I have the spell memorized and I've gathered all the needed magical power I could.

All I need now is Angel, so I can finally get my mark on him.


_keep_me May 4 2008, 16:05:53 UTC
The last month has been dizzying. Buzzing with anticipation, actually. Wes- Wes finally found the spell and from there on out, I kinda felt like I was bursting out of my skin. He said we couldn't do it right away, needed more magic, but that only made me look forward to it more. Thankfully, there was a lot of stuff to keep my mind off the waiting - otherwise, distracted vampire was going to be the least of the hotel's troubles.

Cordy, Gunn, Lorne, even Fred all did their best to pitch in, helping with Connor, helping fix up the hotel, Lorne even helping Wes with a little magic stuff. Not that Wes needed help, but I think Lorne might have calmed him down a time or two when he was worried about screwing things up.

And at the other end of the spectrum, Wes was a wild thing in the sack. Good thing Gunn and I got Connor's room finished quickly and those baby walkie-talkie things put in, otherwise Connor really would have been scarred for life. Library was coming along nicely, and we even managed to fix up some of the other rooms so that everyone could stay the night and not have closet doors falling on them. It kinda got me wondering if we should get started on the pool in the basement, but I had other things to worry about.

And brood about, or get anxious about. Mostly things to get excited about but those others crept in once and awhile too.

When it came right down to it that night, I was a nervous wreck. Cordy practically had to tug Connor out of my arms, and I stood at the door watching them drive away until I really couldn't see them or hear Gunn's car. I paced waiting for Wes to get the room ready. Had to be cleansed, he said. So I called Gunn to make sure they got there. And again to make sure they hadn't forgotten Connor's rabbit, he likes to gum the ears while he sleeps. And again-- to get an earful of Cordelia. And- and-

Lorne keeps babbling at me, but I'm not really listening. I know Wes can do this. I know Cordy and Gunn can take care of Connor. They've done it at the hotel a dozen times. But I--

"Angelcakes, go upstairs now and drop that phone down the toilet, okay?" Lorne says, pushing me towards the stairs, a bemused Fred behind him. "Everything's going to be fine, creampuff, now go see your boy about a mark," he says before giving me one last shove and following Fred out the door.

I watch them leave too, and then turn away, pacing. I take a deep breath and then focus. Focus on the empty hotel. Focus on Wes. I can hear his heartbeat faintly up in the suite. A little nervous too, it sounds like. That reassures me in spite of everything. What if it doesn't work?

Shaking that thought off and putting my faith and my trust in Wesley's capable hands, I jog upstairs and open the door to the suite. "Hey," I murmur, slipping through the door. "It's just us," I say, pushing all my nerves away. Connor is safe. Our friends are safe. And Wes is prepared. He knows what to do. I lock the door behind me and step closer to the circle thing. "What do you need me to do?" I say, looking at him nervously, but with that same anticipation that's been building all this time too.


watcher_pryce May 4 2008, 17:50:58 UTC
The more close the moment gets, the more anxious I get. Though, anxious might not be the correct word for it. I'm scared. I'm afraid I'll mess up again, afraid I'll fail. I'll not only be failing myself, but Angel as well and that's a big not done. Did I get the potion right? Even though I practised making it day in day out and checked it several times today, I can't help but wonder about that. Haven't I forgotten a word from the spell? Did I get the right candles?

Mumbling the spell under my breath, I light the candles, getting half way...when I find myself pausing. "Can't light them all. God, you're such a fool, Pryce." If I light them all then Angel will have to step over them and what are the odds of him being set alight? Knowing our luck, or *my* luck? It'll only need a spark. "I'll do the rest later," I tell myself, going back to mumbling the spell under my breath.

The scent of roses fills the room from the candles, from the essence I've lit an hour before. It's important to have a scent we both like. I love roses and Angel... has a thing with roses as well. Maybe because of me? I don't know. The smell reminds me of my Grandmum and that calms me down a bit. Can't help but wonder briefly what my Grandmum would think of what I'm using the magic for. And with whom. I'll never know, not really, but I'd like to think she'd be happy for me.

I've already taking off my shirt, not that Angel would feel awkward being shirtless alone, but because he'll have to mirror, copy what I do exactly. It'll be fine. It'll work out fine. I know the spell, I have the right potion, I have the...

"Oh! Hey..." Smiling I stand there in the circle of half lit candles. "Uhm... take of your shirt and ah... get into the circle. If-if you want to sit down there?" I ask, pointing at his spot in the circle, nervously turning the box of matches around and around in my hands.


_keep_me May 4 2008, 18:22:22 UTC
I'm so focused on not being nervous and being there for Wes that I don't notice the smell of roses inundating the room right away. It's like we're in our own private garden. We'll get Wes one of those too, along with the pool, I think as I set the phone aside on my night stand.

Slipping out of my shoes, I pad back to the circle and start unbuttoning my shirt at Wes' directions. The candles give the room a soft glow, along with making Wes look...incredible. It's- It's a lot more romantic than I expected. I guess I would have thought that any spell made to mark a creature like me would have had a little bit of dark magic in it. But this feels different. The energy feels positive.

Smiling at Wes softly, I step over the unlit candles - I bet he did that just for me - and, well, I was going to sit down, but I curl my fingers around his wrist where he's nervously twirling the matches and wait 'til he looks me in the eye. "Love you," I murmur, giving his wrist a squeeze and letting it go to sit where he points. Trust you, is what I'm trying to tell him. I know he can do this. That's what I'm trying to channel to him as I sit there looking up at him.

"I'm ready when you are, Wes," I say, letting my hands rest easily on my knees. Just relax and focus on being there for Wes. He needs my support not my nerves.


watcher_pryce May 4 2008, 18:56:07 UTC
This'll work out fine. This is going to be just like we planned. It'll be romantic... well it'll be sort of romantic. I'll finally put my mark on Angel and we both will get what we want. This *will* work out just fine. Nothing to be nervous about. And yet, I'm close to becoming a wreck of pent up nerves.

The shaking is from the excitement though. I've looked so long and hard for this. Then the preparations, which made me feel rather strange most of the time. Must've been all that magical energy I'm sure. That and the aforementioned excitement no doubt. Working toward this day, thinking at the same time this day would never come and it was getting here to fast at the same time.

I smile softly at Angel, though there is a small gasp getting out when he takes off his shirt. The man is gorgeous and the sight of him never fails to take my breath away. Sue me, I love him, and he's all mine. I get to gasp if I want to. Or even if I don't intent to. Heh. God I'm so nervous.

Angel taking hold of my wrists nearly makes me drop the matches. His words however almost has me melting. "Love you too," I'm quick to reply. I wait for him to sit down, light the other candles and then sit across from him. Perhaps staring at him for quite some time isn't getting us what we want. Better get started.

"I just need to..." I mutter, motioning to the bottle of potion sitting at my side. Grabbing it, I start to mutter the spell under my breath, concentrating on gathering all the power I can find. Especially from Angel himself. I need to mix his with mine. Over a bowl I wash my hands with the potion and then reach out to take Angel's right hand.

"Yours too," I explain quietly, rubbing his hand with the oily liquid. Once I'm done move back to sit across from him again and take a deep breath. Taking his hand I put it over my heart, then smile at him and put my hand over his heart. Eyes close as I draw into myself, mumbling the spell quietly, barely audible to anyone but me. And possibly a vampire with supernatural hearing.


_keep_me May 4 2008, 19:29:33 UTC
It's almost like our first night together all over again. The tension spiked high, the nervousness, the skittishness combined with an underlying sense of rightness. I watch and wait as Wes sits down, coats his hand with the mixture next to him. He looks confident, sure of what needs to be done, especially when he takes my hand next. The little spark that's always there when he touches me flares like it always does, leaving me calmer and more secure feeling about all of this.

He coats the slippery mixture over my palm and it gives my skin an almost purple tone as if my skin is going translucent and one could see all the blood and soul beneath. I look back at Wes, watching him place my hand on his chest. When my palm hits his skin it's almost as though a seal is being made, connecting me with him, bonding my hand, my body to Wes. It feels the same when his hand covers my heart, and makes me suck in a quick breath at the sensation. The tug of my heart towards his is so strong.

I return Wes' smile and then close my eyes too after he starts the spell. I focus on the soft whisper of breath coming from him as he mutters the spell, ignoring the words, and simply feeling *him* in the spell. I try to keep myself open and relaxed so Wes and the spell can do what needs to be done. Doesn't mean I'm not holding tight reign over the demon scrabbling at my chest. As if it's scared of the seal, scared of the bond. It knows this is stronger than it is, I think. It should be afraid. But I clamp down tight on it, not wanting anything to ruin all of Wes time and effort. And care.


watcher_pryce May 5 2008, 04:39:07 UTC
With my eyes closed I can still *feel* everything around me. Feel the magic floating around us both, can almost see the colourful swirls it makes in my mind. There's a breeze entering the room. Not a strong wind, or an icy storm the way it usually does with magic. But an actual gentle breeze, warm and caressing us both. It's our energy combined and I'm thrilled to see that they mix together so well, so warmly.

I had worried about that a bit, after Lorne had mentioned that Angel's demon might not like what we were going to do. I have complete faith in Angel though. He wants this and he's the one I'm doing this for. Not anyone else, other then myself. So it's his essence, his energy mixing with mine, cocooning us in a warm blanket of air.

The spell starts to reach it's high point, my words getting faster and faster. I can feel my hand starting to feel hot, but it doesn't hurt. Magical fire, glowing, lighting up like Angel's soul. When I open my eyes the sight takes my breath away. Angel's form is eliminated in this light and the part where my hand touches his heart is glowing a dark red. His hand on my chest I can barely feel, I'm to focused on getting the mark right.

My eyes meet his while I reach for the bowl with the other potion. The one where I've mixed his blood with mine as well. It's always the blood, most powerful magic there is. I dip my finger in it and bring it up to his chest. I notice my hand is shaking lightly as I draw around the outline of my hand where's its pressed over his heart.

"Angel," I whisper, "you'll need to let the magic know that you want this. Tell it so." The burning feeling gets hotter and hotter, though there still isn't any pain, and there wont be. This is a sign of love, not hate. "Or... think it," I add, realizing Angel's not a manpire of words.


_keep_me May 7 2008, 02:06:57 UTC
As the spell starts to vibrate, it feels like my hand is breaking all the boundaries of Wesley's body, like I'm inside of him, like I can feel his heart beneath my fingers, hot and thrumming. Wesley's hand on my chest gets heavier and heavier as if he's going to do the same to me, but there's only a sense of pressure and heat and-- love.

Wesley practically glows as I watch him, not just from the spell, but the energy, the want, the excitement. He's beautiful. Beyond words.

When he brings out another bowl, my nose is clogged with the smell of blood. It's overwhelming and I feel like I could be drinking it with how heady and strong it smells. It's us, it's everything, I can barely think with the smell engulfing me, soaking into my skin when Wesley starts to apply it.

When it touches my skin, the blood makes my eyes roll back in my head at first with pleasure, as if my skin can taste it. Then gradually the taste becomes sharper, more metallic like a knife cutting into my chest. I don't buckle or shirk away from it. It doesn't even feel like pain, it feels like Wesley. The sensation morphs between these three feelings as I start to feel woozy, drugged. At the same time it feels like my hand is falling through Wesley's chest, absorbing him, touching his soul.

"I want this," I say quietly at first, trying to clear my mind from the haze of blood, from the demon jumping in my chest for the smallest taste. Wesley needs to hear this too. I can do this for him, I tell myself, searching for the right words. "I want Wesley to be a part of me. I want to be a part of him. We're together. I want it clearly marked. I want a bond with him," I say carefully, trying to create coherent sentences through the sensations rolling through me. Trying keep my voice steady and strong. Trying desperately to stay strong for Wesley.


watcher_pryce May 7 2008, 04:38:19 UTC
As much as this is white magic, good magic, the sort that will want to help and not hinder one? There will always be an element there, a small bit, that'll work against what you're trying to accomplish. I can feel that force as well, making me break out into a sweat as I push back against it. I'm not certain if it's the demon inside Angel who's making me have to fight it harder then I expected or not.

When I'm done drawing the outline of my hand around his, I pup it over the one covering my heart. Words of love are spoken and I have to be careful not to get into trouble due to my allergies. But it never fails whenever Angel says things like that. He wants this, even I can feel it in the warmth shooting into my body.

I smile at him, picking up the bottle of left over potion. It gets poured into the bowl with blood, mixing it together the way Angel's energy, his essence has been mixing with mine. Slowly I take the bowl up to his chest and remove my hand from where it's covering his heart. The flat of my palm gets pushed into the thick liquid until I'm certain it's coated every part of my skin, every groove, every scar, every dip, everything.

Once again the muttering of the spell starts, my voice raising more and more as it reaches it's true climax. Very carefully I put my hand back over his heart, making certain to stay within the lines I've created before. My hand shall cover his heart for the rest of Angel's existence. As long as Angel will be walking the face of the planet, or any other dimension, my mark will go with him. Always be with him.

The white light enveloping us starts to get brighter and brighter, nearly blinding me. By now I'm practically shouting the spell, to get over the noise the wind is making. Strangely enough, it's not blowing any harder, still that gentle breeze caressing our skin like a loving parent comforting a child.

"Mine," I whisper, ending the spell and just like that everything goes silent. No wind, no noise, no smell, no light. Just brown eyes, hot skin and the feeling of love, love, so much love. Until that vanishes to and I can feel myself slumping forward.


_keep_me May 8 2008, 01:41:31 UTC
When his coated hand touches my chest, I feel every ridge of his handprint being seared into my skin. But like I said, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't feel like pain and even if it did, I would endure to make this happen. For as long as I existed, I'd endure it. This feels nothing like pain though.

I can feel Wes being transferred onto my skin. A part of him is becoming a part of me. He's being added to me. The energy in the room swirls brighter, thicker as Wes' voice gets louder, tries to carry over it. It's like we're being enveloped in our own private world, caught up in space and time, just the two of us.

I'm not sure what's happening with my hand on Wes' chest, but I can only assume that Wesley being human, his body is more easily manipulated and penetrated during this type of spell. ...Because I feel like I'm leaving a part of myself inside him. Visually, my hand is still on his chest, but my fingers are feeling things they wouldn't normally feel. It's surreal. Makes me feel closer to him than I've ever felt though. I don't want that to end.

The spell arcs into its climax, Wes' voice almost going hoarse to keep shouting the words, and the room feels like it's vibrating. When he utters that last word though, it's like his hand gets stamped with such force onto my chest that it feels like his hand could go right through me. As it is, I'm knocked backwards, hands moving to catch myself, ripping my one hand from Wesley's chest. "Yours," I whisper as the spells stops in its tracks.

The room is still, the candles extinguished, and it feels like the world has been upended. "Wes?" I murmur, reaching forward to touch his cheek, the movement making me ache all over. My other hand automatically goes to cover his mark on my chest, to cradle it, make sure it's still there and safe, but my eyes are all on Wes. "You okay, tiger?" I ask, too worn out to worry about hiding the concern in my voice.


watcher_pryce May 8 2008, 04:27:36 UTC
For a moment I'm finding myself having some difficulty breathing, getting any air into my lungs. The world has gone black and I feel so light-headed it's not pleasant at all. The back-lash of doing magic, I realize. Or know. It's happened before of course, but never to this extent. Then again, I've never done a spell like this, never done a spell that required so much magic from myself.

I feel as though every bit of energy has been pulled out of me to be used for the spell. That makes me smile, even if it's weak and even if it doesn't show. Anytime, I'd do it over any time, even if it were to fully drain me. Whatever Angel wants, he'll get. Though, getting of this hard floor I can feel very, very thoroughly underneath me would be something I'd wont.

By then I realize that I can feel and hear everything keenly. Even if sound seems to come from far away and as though I'm dreaming. The feeling, that is new. I feel every grain that's on the floor, I feel the heat still lingering from the candles, I can feel my own panting breath flutter over my arm, I can feel the residue of magic caressing my damp skin, feel the blood still coating my hand.

Feel Angel so, so, so very close by. Feel his worry, feel his love, feel his demon sulking deep inside him. Feel so much, it's extraordinary. I feel as though a part of Angel is left inside me and only briefly wonder if that was supposed to happen. I think not. Not that I care, if it's a side effect it's a very beautiful one.

"Hmmmm," I mumble, barely able to open my eyes. My body aches all over, making sure I *know* I've performed a spell that should've been far out of my reach. Good thing I took so long to prepare or this would've ended up tragically. Finally I manage to get my eyes open, blood-shot and wet from tears I never noticed falling, and look over at Angel.

To me it seems as though he's still glowing. Bathing in a light of love, my mind comes up with. Silly man, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, you've turned into an utter sap. "Love you," I slur, eyes trying to trail toward his chest. "Did-- Did it work?" I rasp, throat the only part of me feeling dried out. Moving, as pleasant as it sounds to get up from this bloody floor, really is to much of a bother right now.


_keep_me May 8 2008, 11:41:46 UTC
Continued here


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