
Oct 30, 2007 17:34

Continued from Here

A much needed talk )

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watcher_pryce December 6 2007, 05:27:45 UTC
"I'll be right there, love." This-- really is the most horrid smell my nose has ever had the pleasure of meeting, I'm sure. My nose wrinkles as I glance at the bottle, trying to figure out if there's a specific reason this formal once made ready to eat smell so terribly. I mean, the powder doesn't smell that bad and I know water doesn't. Maybe it's a chemical reaction? I really ought to look that up.

Later. Much, much so very much later I realize as I hide a yawn against my shoulder. God, I'm tired and the boy hasn't even been here for a day. Of course I was already tired when this whole... whole mess started. I get the feeling we wont be getting much sleep in the near future, quite possibly not during the next year. And what good fortune I don't have a job where the boss would be all over me for being late or sleeping on the job.

Once I'm done cleaning the bottle - quite thoroughly, if not for Connor's health then for Angel's nose - I put it aside to dry up properly. One last check in the kitchen as I wipe my hands dry on a towel reveals no other jobs to be done. I'd really hate to get out of bed again after remember I still have to do so and so.

I still have to get up early anyway, I think as walk back into the living annex bedroom. I have so, so much research to do, maybe I should start now? I mean, I'm awake now at any rate, might as well make use of it. And as I walk into the room to find Angel laying down on the bed with his son? I realize I should be doing some research, it's not just my life on the line here. Not at all.

Standing next to the bed for a moment I watch Angel and his son. The look Angel's eyes as he looks at the boy. So much love, so much affection, so much pride. Already, and he doesn't even know the boy. Not really. Didn't have time to get used to becoming a father or nine months, was just thrown into it. And now look at him, I get the feeling if anyone were to even remotely hurt Connor he'd rip their heads off. Including mine, I think ruefully.

Maybe research can wait. Maybe a little more sleep might be in order. Connor looks as though he's already moved onto the land of the peacefully sleeping, not a worry in the world until his next diaper change or feeding time. And Angel looks so peaceful as well, so happy but not too happy? Slipping underneath the covers, I roll over to my stomach, carefully slip my hand over Angel's and watch them like the little watcher I am. For about all of two seconds before my eyes start to flutter with the need for some much needed sleep.


_keep_me December 8 2007, 23:17:47 UTC
I smile when the bed bows with Wes' extra weight, eyes glancing at him as he slides in before closing peacefully. Family. My eyes fly open when I remember I can't get too content here. Heart-racing moment there. Not only can I not risk it because of Wes and the others, I can't risk it because of Connor. My son. Our son. Maybe Wes and I should steer clear of the sex for awhile. Not that we're likely to have time, but...

I feel his hand cover mine and I smile, turning mine over to hold onto his. My eyes close again at that tiny bit of reassurance even if he doesn't mean it like that. It does reassure me.

Eyes closed, I listen to the sounds of my guys, soft quiet breathing from the little guy, somewhat louder, stronger breathing from the, well, my guy. "Love you," I mumble sleepily, giving Wes' hand a squeeze even though he sounds asleep.

The next thing I know I'm snapping out of sleep at the sound of a wail- That is absolutely not from Connor, I realize as I force my eyes to blink open. What is that? I squint around the room and realize it's actually quieter than I thought. Must just have been on a different frequency- Oh. Lorne. Jesus. I bet it was him. and if it was, I'm going to wring his neck. "Be right back," I mumble in case Wes is awake.

Shifting out of bed and leaving the nicely sleeping baby behind, I slide out of the room, glancing either which way down the hall and picking the room the sound is coming from. I knock insistently, growling, "Lorne!"

"Sweetcakes! Oh, I didn't wake you, did I? I was trying to be quiet with the little one around, you know, stretch out the vocal chords on the other registers.... I did wake you then," he says tentatively at the glare I give him.

"Sensitive hearing," I say, tapping the side of my head. "Save it for later?"

"'Course, Angel pie, anything for you," he says fidgeting with the ties of his flashy silk robe. "I'll just you know, keep it down," he says grimacing. "You know it's not really that early-"

There's a tiny growl that thankfully stops him. "Thanks. Thanks for last night, too," I say over my shoulder, trying to hold back a yawn, but trying not to be so grouchy at our green friend.

"No problem, Angelkins. He's a sweet boy. He's going to be great," Lorne adds and I don't really think anything of it, just smile sleepy at him before opening the door back to the suite. Closing the door behind me, I yawn and look at the tableau on my bed. Six months ago it would have been empty. Now there's two bodies in it that I would die to protect.


watcher_pryce December 9 2007, 09:21:12 UTC
It's the fussing and the small mewling sounds that wake me up from my slumber. I frown at the wall in front of me as my eyes slowly peel open, wondering what could possibly be making these sounds. Connor.

Oh. Of course. That'll take some getting used to.

With yawn I roll over to my back, haul myself up on my elbows and blink down at the boy. He seems to be close to a full tamper tantrum again, though still not sure how to go about it. Poor little fellow.

As I reach out to calm him, I notice Angel's side of the bed is empty. "Now where did your father go?" I ask sleepily, realizing that Connor isn't likely to answers that question.

Perhaps he needed to go to the bathroom. Even though he's a vampire, it doesn't mean he hasn't any bodily needs. With his night vision he wouldn't need to turn on any lights, my mind reasons. Another yawn gets out as I nod to myself, thinking that's probably where Angel went.

Connor's still fussing though. "There, there, Little One," I mumble, scooting up in a sitting position. Picking the boy up from his temporary bed, I hold him close. One hand cradling his head, the other moving up and down his tiny back. "Don't you worry, daddy will be back soon. You'll have to make due with me until then."

Humming a little tune, I don't even notice I've moved to lay down again until I look down at Connor. Who's trying to shove his entire small fist into his mouth but can't. Instead he's sucking on it, making sleepy noises while his eyes slowly close. At least he's calmed down.

I'll just keep laying here for a little bit, I tell myself. Until he's calmed down completely. Then I'll put him back to his impromptu bed. Barely noticing my own eyes are drooping, I realize I'm falling asleep myself. And try as I might, I can't seem to get myself to move and the last thought is 'goodness, Angel certainly is taking a long time to piss' as I hear a door open. By then I've fallen asleep completely and any sound around me only a vague noise.


_keep_me December 9 2007, 20:23:43 UTC
So adorable, I think as I go over to the bed where Wes has got his arms wrapped around an equally sleeping Connor. Wonder why he got the boy out of his pillow cocoon. Hmm. Strange. But still adorable. I smile and carefully peel Wes arms away to pick up Connor. Sleepily, I wish I that could snuggle up with Wes. Need to get Connor a bed before we can do that, probably though. Hmm. Maybe not though if I'm careful

Holding onto Connor carefully, I move his little pillow bed over a little. Not too far, I don't want him anywhere near the edge of the bed, but there's enough room now that if Wes scoots over, I can sneak in next to him. There we go. I knew there was a way. I'm surprised I could even think of anything while being this sleepy.

Gingerly, I lay Connor back in his makeshift crib and brush a hand over his forehead. He's making a few small noises, but his eyes are still closed. Wonder if he's dreaming. Do babies dream?

Have to ask Wes about that sometime, I think hazily as I nudge Wes more to the center of the bed and slide in behind him, arm wrapping around him snugly and nose sliding into the crook of his neck and shoulder. Love his smell, the feel of him, everything, I think as I fall nearly immediately asleep squished up close against him.


watcher_pryce December 9 2007, 21:23:36 UTC
When I swim back to...well to no longer asleep, I realize vaguely that something's not right. In fact, something is wrong. There's a warm body behind me, which wasn't there last night. Arm wrapped around me quite securely, but no soft puffs of breath where I feel a face snuggling my neck. Has to be Angel, cannot be anyone else.

That makes me smile for a moment. Until I realize what exactly is wrong. Connor! Oh dear lord, I fell asleep holding Connor and now I'm on my side! With Angel wrapped around me! "Oh bloody hell! Connor!"

Gasping, I jerk upright and look around frantically. A trembling hand comes up to clutch my heart but a slow breath gets let out when I see Connor laying in his crib. Though, not where he was last night. In fact, if you want to be technical, I am where he was last night. And now he's close to tears again, no doubt because *I* woke him up.


"I'm sorry, little one," I murmur, trying to shake the sleep away. "I didn't mean to wake you up." Reaching out for the boy, I pick him up and hold him close while turning to glare at Angel. He has to be the culprit, I doubt Lorne would come in here and re-position Connor. Connor who... stinks. Ugh. Well, Angel can take care of it this time, I need some time to cool off before I say something I'll regret.

Good lord, I nearly had an attack!



_keep_me December 9 2007, 21:46:58 UTC
"Mm," I breathe peacefully, snuggling in closer to Wes when I feel that normal morning jump of his heartbeat. Usually I can drift right back to sleep, but it feels too good having him close. Feels like years since I woke up with him in my arms. Everything seems normal, don't know why it would feel like it's been so long.

So I just nuzzle up to his neck even closer, really getting that smell that's all Wes, and I'm just about to flick my tongue out when- there's no more Wes in my arms. Hmm? Where'd he go?

Mumbling and blinking incoherently, I hear Wes yell and then comfort- Oh, right, Connor. So everything's not normal. Right. I squirm around and try to wrestle out from under the sheet. "What's the matter, Wes, what happened?" I ask sleepily around a yawn. I don't think Connor was crying until after Wes screamed. I think. Oh, but, God, what is that smell? Oh. That.

Blinking, I take Connor as Wes hands him off to me. Man, we're going to have to invest in nose plugs or something. "My turn?" I ask with only the smallest hint of disappoint, still trying to give Wes a look of concern. What the hell happened that he yelled like that?


watcher_pryce December 10 2007, 05:36:35 UTC
Of course. I don't know why I was expecting him to realize something isn't quite right. When he wants, my Angel can be quite the oblivious vampire. Git. God, I nearly got a heart attack, didn't he even hear that? As focused on heart beats as he claims to be. Dear lord.

"Yes," I say with barely held in anger, "it's your turn."

Not wanting to upset Connor - the boy seems to notice our moods and if we're upset he gets upset as well I've come to realize - I rub over his back. A small kiss on his forehead is there as well before I hand him over to Angel. Angel who's still giving me the odd looks as though he's utterly confused.


"Is there any particular reason..." I ask, getting out of bed myself. I grab the make shift crib we've fabricated for Connor and firmly move it back to the middle of the bed. Where it belongs. So we can *both* keep him safe and secure! "... for Connor to be no longer in the middle of the bed. Or indeed where he fell asleep last night?"

Didn't he think I'd be able to keep the boy safe? Is that it? Is that why he removed him from me? I don't know, wouldn't he have put Connor on his side of the bed if that were the case? Great, now I'm confusing myself. "Next time you feel the need to move him around, you might want to inform me of such, Angel," I tell him, giving him a stern look. "I'm going to take a shower, I doubt you need my help here?"


_keep_me December 13 2007, 04:56:34 UTC
Who knew? Who knew that Wes would be *the* most adorable person around children? Around babies? I watch him comfort Connor and even give him a small unnecessary - as far as practical needs go - kiss to the forehead. He didn't have to do that. But he's a natural and already wants to make Connor feel loved and cherished. He's going to be a great dad.

Wow, I think Wes is actually mad, though. I fumble around a bit to really get out of bed, but still keep Connor carefully cradled in my arm. Why is he mad? I thought he would like that I moved Connor for him so he wouldn't freak out with a tiny baby in his arms that he'd feel guilty about possibly crushing. I watch with raised eyebrows as he almost throws a mini fit, stubbornly putting Connor's makeshift bed back in the middle.

"I- Wes-" but he looks ready to eat me alive, and I don't get very far. "I just wanted to...snuggle? And I thought you'd be worried if you woke up with Connor in your arms. So, I- I- moved his bed over a little and put him in it. You were asleep," I murmur, glancing down at a wide-eyed Connor who's already making fussy noises. "Sorry I startled you," I add looking at him remorsefully, and tagging along to the bathroom with him.

"Maybe we, umm, if you don't mind, could wash him up in the shower with you? I'll get the diaper off and...uhh, clean him up. But he might be needing a bath. If you want. You know, two birds with one stone?" I say still worrying that I'm totally in the doghouse.


watcher_pryce December 13 2007, 05:28:05 UTC
And...doesn't that just steal my thunder away. Bastard. If I had a mirror I suppose it might've been funny to watch my face go from angry, to confused to bloody adoring in under a second or so. Although I can see from the look on his face that he really has no damn clue why I'm mad at him - which is annoying on it's own, but this *is* Angel we're talking about - I've already forgiven him for giving me an attack.

I wonder if explaining it again would make him understand better. Aside from my nearly getting an attack to find Connor gone from where I'd put him? There's another reason why I would have liked for him to have woken me up. Or did he perhaps not think *I* would enjoy some snuggling with him as well. And the corners of my lips did *not* twitch when Angel himself said the word 'snuggle'. Really not.

"Another reason you should have woken me up," I point out quietly, realizing that 'snuggling' or indeed being together will be rare in the near future with a baby around. "I would have liked some snuggling time as well, you know, I enjoy those moments." I say, eyeing him carefully as he gets out of bed with the boy.

A very stinky boy, I can smell him even where I'm standing. Good lord! Can't even begin to imagine what it might be like for Angel and his overly sensitive smell. They child really needs a---

"What?" And that was unexpected. He has a point, I'll grant him that, it does sound very efficient. But very unexpected. Not that I don't think Angel can come up with good idea's where Connor is concerned, after all we're both learning here. Damn, I think I'm still half asleep and being awoken to a heart-attack isn't helping.

"Oh... Uhm... " Now it's my turn to look confused between Angel and Connor and-- what if I drop him! I mean, soap is very slippery and such like. What if I drop him? "Would you be joining us? We could-- save up water?" And having Vampiric speed in there might be very, very useful.


_keep_me December 17 2007, 03:46:18 UTC
Continued here.


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