Oct 16, 2007 19:20
It's hard to believe the last time I wrote was in May. So much has happened since then. I'm learning so much in this school of life. :-) It was a nice summer. I'm happy that fall is here now, though. The coziness of the season invites me to slow down and enjoy the little things of life. A lot of my dreams and desires have come to pass. It's exciting and humbling to see the way God's plans unfold. Although I hope to someday have my dream of getting married and raising a family, for now I believe God is guiding me and giving me plenty to do in the meantime! I've become a youth leader for our church and am also co-teaching the high school Wednesday evening religion class. I have a border collie mix puppy, Micah, who is absolutely adorable and full of love (and energy!). Work is going well; it's been such a blessing to work with those in my office. Many of them are positive and encouraging, rather than gossipy and negative. I am switching roles somewhat there due to my accepting a new position elsewhere in a cardiology department. I'm nervous yet excited about the new job opportunity. I think it will be a great experience. Oh, and I've enjoyed my newfound role as a Civil War reenactor. It's absolutely blissful to feel like you've stepped back in time for a bit.
Well, I guess that's some of what's been happening in these last several months. :-)
Happy Autumn!