044; voice post

Jun 24, 2009 15:04

[the recording starts as Lyle presses the button, mumbling to himself before clearing his throat]

So I... managed to get stuck on this terminal. I'm at--

[he pauses as he sees someone walking by and calls out, ignoring the recording.]

Oh, hey, Ed! Great timing. Can you come over for a second?

[There's a pause as Edward hesitates - debating how much trouble Lyle can cause him before deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt, the volume of the alchemist's voice increasing as he got closer to the terminal.]

Great timing for what? .... What are you doing?

[he clears his throat again and tries to sound casual]

I got stuck. Just help me pull my hand away. I'll even treat you to some ice cream if you help me now.

[Ed's voice alone is evidence of how wary he is of this offer, but it doesn't stop him from trying to help.]

How do I know that 'ice cream' isn't some secret code you have for zombie-?

[The blond's voice cuts off abruptly as any attempt to get close enough to Lyle's hand instead ends with his arm now attached to him.]

It's not a code for--what the hell!

[there is a long pause before Lyle sighs, his voice incredulous.]

This is a joke, right? What's wrong with your arm? Don't tell me you suddenly have the power to turn into metal....


[There's another pause before Ed also sighs, and a rustle of fabric as he pulls his jacket off with his free hand. When he speaks again, his voice comes through clenched teeth.]

My arm is metal.... Always has been. What are you, some walking magnet?

[he snorts, then sighs again.]

Apparently I am. Though I thought it was gone until I got stuck to this terminal... and now you. You know, if you were a girl, I'd be telling you that this is fate.

[his voice almost sounds flirty here, just to bother Ed.]

[There's another pause as Ed just stares at Lyle for a minute, before returning to the topic.]

Shut up, idiot. We should be more focused on FIXING THIS. I'd stay away from anything metal until everyone's powers go back to normal if I were you. Especially me.

[he chuckles before trying to pull away from the terminal, though it doesn't work, and he gives up again.]

Yeah, not my fault. I thought the power was gone. Try pulling? If you run away from me hard enough, maybe you can get away.

How long does it usually last? Maybe it'll stop on its own-

[at the suggestion he didn't hesitate to pull away, even bracing a leg against the terminal to try and get some distance between them.]

This isn't going to work...

[Ed makes a frustrated noise, trying to push off of the terminal as hard as he can]


Someone with a crush on you and just can't bring themselves to get close to you? I sure as hell don't. I was glad when it went away but it came back.

[he pauses, as if thinking it over.]

...The longest it lasted was... five hours.

What is wrong with you? Do you think about anything else, ever?

[At the answer, the blond snarled as if it was entirely Lyle's fault.]

Five hours? You can't be serious, I'm not going to just st- Well. How long has it been this time? Maybe it'll stop soon.

[Ed didn't bother waiting for an answer before trying a new approach to his bracing against the terminal and pushing away from Lyle.]

I only got stuck a few minutes before you walked by so that's still over four hours to wait...

[he watches Ed's antics for a few moments before speaking again, half amused and half annoyed at the situation.]

Give it up, it's not going to work. Just sit here and wait for it to wear off. We can... get to know each other, or something?

[There's silence as the blond quirks a brow at that suggestion, watching Lyle as if waiting for the punchline to that offer.]

I'd rather not be stuck here for the next four hours, but I guess you have a point. At least if I had my alchemy I could try something else... This wasn't a very fair trade off.

[Lyle snorts again, his voice a little weary now.]

Honestly, I did fine without some kind of power, I'm getting sick of this. I hope it goes away completely soon. Can't even fight zombies with this, you know.

Well, freezing things doesn't do me any good, either. I could do that already, and a lot more-

[The next part is muttered under his breath, instead of being spoken to Lyle.]

Citrine seems to be enjoying it...

[when he speaks again, his tone almost sounds annoyed.]

What is it with you and the zombies, anyway? They're not even real where you're from.

[he pauses for a second to consider what to say, then he speaks easily, teasing.]

I don't know. I just think of zombies when I see you. Short ones, but still zombies.

[The fact that Lyle was teasing registered more than the actual words, growling at the short quip.] What was that?

[he laughs, not intimidated...much, obviously having fun with this despite being stuck.]

Nothing, nothing. Though you should probably listen to my brother and drink more milk.

[he snorts at the suggestion, obviously bristling.]

I'm not going to drink that crap, it tastes like vomit. It's not going to matter once I get out of here, anyway.

Sure, stay short then. Some girls actually go for that so I guess you're fine...

[he trails off as he remembers what he was originally doing.]

Wait a second, is this still recording?

[There's another pause, as Ed was about to start yelling at the short statement when the rest of what Lyle said registers suddenly.]

That's been recording this entire time!?

[there's the sound of clothes rustling, except Lyle can't reach the terminal with his hand stuck and Ed stuck to him.]

... Turn it off. You still have a free hand.

You're an idiot-

[The rest of what Ed was about to say is cut off as the voice activation is shut off, mid-sentence.]
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