Title: Roommates
Pairings: Jaejoong/Yoochun, Changmin/Junsu, Past!Yunho/Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17 Overall
Warnings: Smut, Coarse Language, Pervertedness
Genre: Drama, Romance, Smut, Little Bit Fluffiness,
Disclaimer: I wish I was their roommate, but alas, you don't always get what you want~
Summary: One of Yoochun's distant cousins from Korea is
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Thank you Kathy my love... ^___^
Meena I will read as soon as I finish my story/chapter.... OH OH~! sitting outside in the dark is doing wonders for my mosquito friends and my MIND!!! LOL~!
loves you... xoxoox
awwww fluffy JaeChun love... it's the bestest...!! ^___^
It was short but sweet and Micky topped.. and it was hot and I soo wanna hear Jae moan for reals... *pouts* I just can't get over the fact this story has come to an end went to fast I tells ya. >_<
Mind you I can't wait to read what your brain thinks up next.. *pictures it* OH I see some kinky things to come.. yes? LOL~! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
fluffy jaechun is the best jaechun ^^ even better than smutty jaechun sometimes xD i think the smut fits jaemin the BEST, dontcha think ;D
kinky things....POSSIBLYYY...*contemplates*,,hmmm!!! lol!
liked it.. I think I may have said LOVED IT~! aaahaha... XXXD
sometimes.. nothing says I love you more then bending JJ over and showing him whose boss.. *looks around* you go Yoochun.. *fist pump* lol... yes.. oh god yes..!
nawww... you contemplated.. soo that's a no? meh.. kinky is better suited to Changmin anyway... LOL~!
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