Title: No Regrets
Pairings: Changmin/Jaejoong
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Prostitution, Toys, sex and shit
Genre: Smut
Disclaimer: Why do I gotta keep restating the fact that they're not mine. Makes me feel bad, ya know. *pouts* Fine fine, they're not mine.
Summary: Changmin's addicted.
A/N I was kinda stuck for a while and plus I wasn't even really home
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and when i write something for you...you will be <333
I should really deflate my ego. :3
jaejoong, the irresistable whore
always has changmin coming...back for more (see what i did there? hahaha)
somewhere in the middle love began to blossom
and it became more complicated than surgery on a possum
but ah, he gave him his real name
because he realised changmin is not the same
as all those other bastard rapists
and, now i might as well just say this
something something something grin.
LOLOLOL. couldn't think of something for the last line. :D HAHAHAHA. :D
but yeaahz, omg. kinky sex... *dies* <3 but more importantly, JAEMIN LOVE. YES. LOVE!! NOT PROSTITUTION... LOVEEEEEEEE<3
p.s. billionaire!min = HAWTNESS. ME WANT. Me can't have...damn jae! xD
thaaanks. 8D BACK AT YA, wait. you might not be funny. :/
sometimes i think i'm too cool for school. then i realise the only reason i don't go to school. it's the holidays.
and that's my life story. :D
ur straight up G, bitch! love you <3
can I add you? :]
ud think i was not aware
but i totally see what u did there ;D
they might not end up together fully
cuz jae's life is still a bit dull-y (lol..fail)
but sparks of love are seen
around jae's ass and in between
jae just might agree to be min's wife
soulfighters make my life
XD ♥
i want to be able to write sex better but ugh. its sooo hard!!! (lol..ignore the punnyness of that sentence)
ohh, nice fail poem. hehe. omg, and people find me awesome/funny you know? *runs around in circles*
*releases laughter* SO HARD PFFFTTHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. LIKE MIN'S PENIS HAHAHAHA :D aww god I really love you meena <33
add me on msn XD only4dbsk@hotmail.com
♥!! *finally goes to shower after a day of lurking*
okay I will add you later when it's not 3.05am xD hmm, but now you'll know my actual name rather than my nickname and my real age *is slapped by teachers who always say not to make friends over the Internet but never realised cassies are LEGIT* LOL ^^ suprises await you my love~~ look forward to it! ^o^
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