Mar 27, 2008 19:09
haha how much do i have building up inside of me?
good question
but i wanna go spend about $40 and buy the latest 4 The Used cds
seeing as how i'm kind of obsessed with their snatchy lyrics
and how they used to make me feel
and how they do now
its weird, like i grew up with them???
soo a lot of mixed emotions lately
i'm so happy
then i turn around to the past
and i don't become sad
but just nostalgiac
ohhh how i loathe the word
ended this quickly?
2 years and "you let it die"
if you will foo fighters, thanks
and i dont deserve that, and it's hard to say that
but i really effing dont
it's hard to just ignore the past and look straight ahead
staring down future in the face
with out making a wrong decision
kind of like a lane change
you cant just look straight in front of you and decide its time to switch
you have to look behind you to make sure thats a good decision
and sometimes, you just have to take the chance to avoid the stupid
car in front of you slamming on the brakes and avoid the accident
but you might just hit the past and crash...
wtf, honestly?
too good to be true i tell you
thats how i feel
i'm letting go of a fantasy
and looking towards reality
but the whole "fantasy" was too good to be true too
and so was juan
but they were so different
its still so real and brings me back down to earth
let me tell you
my heart is just exploding because of the different directions
let me move on to megan
je*us i will miss the shit out of you
you are my right hand woMAN
yes, i like to be independent
but i am going to be so freakin lost with out you
not to mention how jealous i am of james
because he will see u, maybe
i cant just pop over and invite myself in
then ask you if i make you want to shower
i cant see those stupid facial expressions you make
or drive down pch handin you the peace sign
(thanks alannis)
i cant bug you to go to the gym
and i cant hump your leg
i swear people, BEST FRIEND, we aren't gay
*sigh* i just dont know what to do
theres too much going on
but ill be in vegas in a week
then in 3 weeks i'll be peacin out to washington
to look at apartments where my gf will be leaving me to :(
no guilt trips, a best, true, honest friend comes around like never
every once in a great while
and i am bummed to see that go because honestly
long distance relationships dont work with somebody you love as a significant other
how do best friends work?