Jun 27, 2010 20:55
Lately i often wonder what it means to have friends. The people who often call you friends may not be. Do they have your best interests at heart? Do they just want something from you?
I find myself in ever increasing times asking myself these questions.
So far the only answers that ring true to my heart are these.
Friends care if you hurt,care if your happy.
Sometimes I find myself trying to hard to be real friends with people who probably don't have my best interests at heart. I stupidly plod on thinking they will change. Unfortunately I find myself playing the same manipulative games they do. This is not a productive life at all. It just leads to an empty feeling which will not be filled by caring for these people.
I keep going back to the same question in my mind and for the life of me I cannot find an answer.
What EXACTLY is the purpose of life if it is to be about pain, frustration, loneliness why exist at all.
I know quite a few people do not have this problem in life. I also do not feel this way all the time but more often then not.
I do have a couple real friends. Realistically I do not expect them to fully carry me on an emotional level. It just seems life throws you more bad then good . There must be lessons to learn here, What they are is beyond me. I can philosophize the meaning only so far before my head hurts.
Sometimes I just complain to much but wanted to put this down to vent. Who knows. Possibly some good will come from this.
All I know for sure is life is quite full of uncertainties and I have to deal with them one step at a time.
Thanks for letting me rant and vent.
friends care hurt happy