Aug 25, 2004 17:26
what is this...liiive jurrnul??? hmm...let's see if i can still get this thing to work rihgt 8)
there's much to much to update since i've last made a real post so I'm just gonna talk about last night.
It's grrreat!
so here we go
(original posted in a forum way out in cyber space o.O)
So it's my friend and I with nothing much to do last night. Just talking shit and laughing it up basically. But then we get hungry and decided to head out to John's Fried Chicken in George Washington Heights. (About 20 blocks away)
The place is open 24hrs and the regulars consist of people stoned out of their minds with the munchies.
The food is tasteless and incredibly bad for you. But after 1am that stuff really, really hits the spot! ;)
So we get the food and drive off back over into the Bronx (into the Riverdale area for those who are familiar) find a space in a lil' parking lot and start eating the food and playing music really loud. Good times. 8) After we stuff ourselves and make ourselves sick the radio turns off. o.O
Turn the key in the car...and the engine doesn't start. All we hear is *click! click! click! ...etc.* (Oh and my friend lives in new jersey btw >.<) So I say "hey! limme push the car to help it start!"
start goes downhill. Car goes faster and faster, engine still hasn't started. He starts getting frustrated and not focusing on the road and then he crashes into stop sign. x]
after a lot of cursing and screaming we push the car as far away as possible from the scene of the accident (4+ big city blocks)
(time is after 2:30am now)
we start dialing 411 to get taxi numbers in hopes that someone can jumpstart the car. After five phone calls all ending in failure we hear the cops behind us. yay
They tell us to show ID, get out of the car, hands up on the wall blah, blah, blah
I was really hoping the lady cop would search us but there was no such luck. She looked fucking GOOD too : ( .
After rumaging (sp?) through everything and not finding the murder weapon or drug paraphanalia they had hoped for, we asked them to help us and the guy said "tough shit, walk home".
The lady cop was more sympathetic and told us where to find a gas station and some other info as I blatantly flirted with her my eyes and lips. (she smiled SCORE!!! :headbang:) Her last name was the same as a co-worker of mine; Valencia.
you should say it sounds sexy Va-Len-See-aAAA =D
After flagging a few random cabs over to see if they'll help, someone finally does. We come to find out that the Altenator has gone bad and my friend's gonna have to go thru a ton of shit to get a new one in time for him to go up to college tomorrow =\
I got home after 4:20am and I still had a full day of work ahead of me[/