Jan 20, 2005 22:44
Since im not too sure when I last updated I will start when Marnea came home... like a month ago...
The WHOLE time Krodie was here we had a BLAST! Her and I seriously hung out and pretty much partied everyday she was here!! Except when she went to the fun state of Iowa!! I sure wish I could scoop the loop there! LoL! Anywho most of our nights were spent at Daryl and Josh's, I cant even begin to tell you how much fun we had there!!! We were even there on Christmas Eve AND Christmas! I wasnt joking when I said everyday! We had some good times there... hahah Hott Holiday Guy!! LoL, oh funny... 2 for you and 2 for me... I think?? Thats right, right?! I want to drink over there... why is it when we drink we go our seperate ways?!? Seriouslly we have no fun drunken pictures because we were never together, oh well we got some booty!! Haha ;)~ Dizzle you missed out!!! We spent the night at Terrie's ALOT too! That was sooo fun!! MARNEA COME HOME!!! I MISS YOU!!!
So at work I am now the Lead teacher in the One's room, thats right I have my own Aid!! Haha, but im not a bitch, I dont make her do the bitch work, although I should cause I dont really like her!
WoW, I thought I was going to have a shit load to write... I know im missing alot of things but I cant think of them right now, oh well...
I am soo happy I dont work tomorrow! And NO school! I cant wait to have a fun lazy day at Terrie's! Wooo hoooo! I need it!
Oh ya... school started back, I HATE my Humanities class the teacher is fucking half retarded! Hes creepy, honestly I am creeped out by him! And my writing class is the reject class! Sad that im in it LoL! No joke though its such a weird group of people and theres only like 20 of us... I dunno its just weird! And those 2 are my last 2 on Mondays and Wednesdays so thats shitty! I seriously just want to leave! HmMm... I think I need to go buy my books! LoL! I REALLY think its about time! But thats the thing I dont have time...oh well tomorrow! Yes thats right tomorrow! Hahah ya right!!! Im lazy.
Owww my back hurts so I am going to go lay down, watch tv and read Cosmo~ Krodie have you gotten the new one yet??? Eww I dont like Ashley Simpson! Maybe I shouldnt lay down it makes my back hurt more, oh well I can handle it I think!
And dont think this is all because I will remember things and update the fun times!!!
Love Lots,