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Comments 29

Case!Fic tiptoe39 October 10 2010, 00:09:02 UTC
The newspaper article said the couple had been slaughtered while in their car at a drive-in. Which was impossible because the drive-in had been crowded and nobody had seen any activity in the car. They just... never drove away.

Sam and Dean went to the drive-in first, standing around in wet grass in their FBI suits and looking for a clue. At first it seemed to be a wash. But while Sam interviewed the girl at the confession stand (and tried to help her not to cry), Dean found...


zekkass October 10 2010, 00:13:15 UTC
A collection of over-sized feathers, sparkly rocks, and two vials of blood.

Dean gave the thing a hard stare and then noticed the drawn circle surrounding the items in blood.

Okay, that had to be a hint. "Sam! I got something."

Sam came over, but the girl still had something to say, which was...


tiptoe39 October 10 2010, 00:32:33 UTC
"...and the whole thing smelled so weird. And then I go out this morning and there's no smell. What the hell can smell like that and then have it be gone?..."

"We'll look into it, ma'am," Sam answered, and snapped his notebook shut. He hurried back out to survey the odd circle. "OK, so what has feathers, bleeds, and hangs out at drive-ins where no one can see it?"

"That's like a bad joke," Dean grumbled. "I guess we're going to have to..."


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Highschool AU tiptoe39 October 10 2010, 00:12:17 UTC
Dean hated the first day of school. It was all just pointless, teachers promising reams of homework and filling up his schedule with quizzes. All that and not a bit of real learning happened on the first day. Not that he was such a huge fan of that, either.

But that wasn't the main reason he hated the first day of school. Every year, he walked into his homeroom hoping that one day it'd be devoid of the one person who made his life a living hell. And every year he found he'd been assigned to the same homeroom as...


moorishflower October 10 2010, 00:30:46 UTC
"Hey, dickhead! Looks like we've got another fabulous year together."

"Go away, Ruby," Dean mumbled. Ruby Milton. The bane of his existence. He'd caught a break, last year - he'd had a class with her and Lilith, and Lilith was creepy, sure, but she didn't tolerate bullshit from her loyal followers. Ruby had done her best to make him miserable in between classes, but she hadn't been able to touch him once the bell rang. It looked like he wasn't going to be so lucky, this year - he didn't see any familiar faces as he chose a seat and dropped down into it, letting his backpack fall to the floor beside him.

"Here's the class syllabus," their teacher said. Mr. Singer was a decent teacher - Dean liked him. He didn't take any bullshit, either. "Pass them back. Don't dawdle, kids, keep the stack moving."

Dean accepted the stack of syllabi handed to him, then turned around and offered the papers to the guy sitting behind him...


tiptoe39 October 10 2010, 00:39:34 UTC
whom he didn't recognize. This could be one of the kids from that really big family that just moved here from Los Angeles. Apparently their dad was some kind of famous writer and he had adopted like twenty children from Brazil and Singapore and crap. This guy looked vaguely swarthy and foreign, but his eyes were blue, so Dean had no idea where he'd come from, other than a Superman comic.

"Thank you," the boy said, his voice doing that low, gravely just-changed things, and for a moment he smiled. Dean found himself staring as the boy passed the papers back.

Then Ruby hissed across the desks, "Hey..."


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Gabriel goes too far mithrel October 10 2010, 00:54:21 UTC
Dean hated Gabriel. Just because he'd been helping them out lately didn't make him any less of a dick, and the guy's sense of humor bordered on...no, it was sadistic. Not to mention bizarre.

Sometimes it was funny, like when he made Sam's hair flash alternating neon colors or subjected Cas to birds perching on his shoulders every time he went outside.

Sometimes it was funny, but now the bastard had...


Re: Gabriel goes too far moorishflower October 10 2010, 01:02:07 UTC
...gone too far. Too fucking far.

"You change him back to normal right now," he demanded. "Do it or I swear to God, Gabriel, I will..."

"You'll what? Deep-fry me in holy oil?"

"For a start," Dean growled, and Gabriel (and Dean isn't even exaggerating, here) cackled.

"I don't doubt it! But you'll have to catch me first." The angel smirked, and then raised his hand, fingers poised to snap. "For the record, though," he continued, "I think Sam looks good like that."

And then he snapped his fingers, and was gone before Dean could grab a hold of him. He snarled wordlessly, and then turned back to his brother...


Re: Gabriel goes too far pandionpandeus October 10 2010, 01:06:20 UTC
The one sitting on the floor, looking up at him over a wide beak.

"Quack?" Sam said.

Dean sighed and bent down, picking the Sam-duckling up and holding him in front of his face.

"No cigar, Sammy. I'm gonna call Cas, see if he can help."

"Quack," Sam said, nibbling at the side of Dean's hand. Dean rolled his eyes and stood up. This was going to be...


Re: Gabriel goes too far darkamber October 10 2010, 10:59:21 UTC
a long day.

Dean feed a happy duck-Sam pieces of his hamburger bread, while he called Cas and told him where they were and to get there ASAP.

Cas appeared in the room and...


Cursed!fic moorishflower October 10 2010, 00:56:46 UTC
"Oh, fuck," Sam said. "There's no way this is happening. This is crazy."

"Our lives are crazy," Dean snapped back. "This is just the bizarro cherry on top of the crazy cake."

"Don't talk about food, you're going to make me hungry."

"Can we please discuss the matter at hand," Castiel said severely. The matter at hand, of course, being...


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Re: Cursed!fic darkamber October 10 2010, 10:56:33 UTC
Cas, in Sam's body, managed to get his new feet tangled up and did a full-body face-plant on the floor.

"Cas! Watch what you're doing! That's my body!" Sam exclaimed.

"I apologise," Cas said, still on the floor, "I hae no experience moving in this body."



Re: Cursed!fic pandionpandeus October 10 2010, 01:03:53 UTC
the fact that Dean and Sam were now magically super-glued to each other's side. Dean's right arm adhered to Sam's left. Their legs were thankfully not stuck together, but that wasn't much help when they went to walk somewhere, since four legs were much harder to coordinate than two.

No one had broached the topic of the bathroom, yet.

Dean grumbled, but didn't say anything more and Sam sighed.

"So, we're stuck together, Cas. Please tell me you can fix this."

Castiel frowned. "I'm afraid...


The Stray (Present tense, but feel free to change that! :3) moorishflower October 10 2010, 01:37:57 UTC
Sam finds the cat in a box outside their motel room. It's duct-taped shut, three layers of tape, and Sam needs to go and fetch his knife in order to open the thing up. Stuck to the side of the box is a piece of paper. Do the right thing, it says, in elegant script, the sort of thing you'd see in Renaissance diaries.

And inside the box is a cat. It's a white cat, with eyes blue as an ice storm and patches of black spattered along its back. Its fur is matted, and when it sees Sam examining it, it hisses violently, almost like it's ashamed.

"Dean," he calls out, "come look at this." And then he reaches into the box...


Re: The Stray (Present tense, but feel free to change that! :3) darkamber October 10 2010, 10:51:53 UTC
to lift the cat out, and the cat promptly sinks its sharp teeth deep into his hand, then makes a disgusted face and hacks violently and paws at its tongue.

"Dammit!" Sam swears. Now he'll have to disinfect the wound - who knows what the cat's been eating. "Dean! get your ass over here!"

"Jeez, what's got your panties in a twist," Dean ask as he comes out of the bathroom and walks over to see what's going on.

When the cat sees him, it immediately starts to...


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