Battlestar Galactic 3.0 Please Don't Spoil Me

Jan 31, 2008 18:02

This is a discussion of Battlestar Galactica Season 3.0 if you haven't watched it yet, or aren't up to my episode it's all behind the cut. So, please no spoilers. Episode: A Day in the Life

Okay this isn't some great and deep discussion because I'm not ready for that. But here's the deal. I've been waiting forever to start watching this season. I didn't have cable when I was at the seminary so I had to watch it on DVD and basically that's the reason I started getting Netflix. So, I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for Battlestar to come out on DVD only to find out that they weren't releasing to DVD first but only to online download. The thing is that I know I could have downloaded it for free, and I really don't mean to sound like a goody-two-shoes but I'm not comfortable with "stealing" so once I figured out where to get it legally I downloaded the season.

So, here I am watching Season 3.0 finally. The thing is that I know some people who've argued that this season was better then the last. The jury is still out on that for me because I've learned that to paraphrase Aristotle you can't judge a season of Battlestar until the finale. It's definitely more of a "talky" season and focused on the issues of the characters which is always interesting. But I miss interaction wtih the Cylons and frankly I miss the Cylons in general.

Sure on a good day one can get away with simply hating the Cylons but I doubt that I'm the only toaster-watcher who thinks that the Cylons are key to adding the complexity to the show. For me it's the issue of religion. While I'm an old time sci-fi fanatic it's the interplay between humanity, religion, science, faithfulness and current events that attracted me to the show.

So far the most interesting eppy's for me have been (in no particular order) Rapture, The Woman King and the issue of insider and whistleblowers, Torn and the question of genocide against the Cylons (don't you just love Helo?), and probably Exodus I & II for the sheer excitment of them.

But so far I haven't felt like I was on the edge of my seat for much this season and while I definitely appreciate the story I admit that some of the drama for me has been in the sheer excitement of the episodes of season 2.5. That said, I'm not about to stop watching anytime soon.

battlestar galactica

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