It's been a while ..

Sep 20, 2011 22:13

Life seems to have been busy lately. Not that I have much to show for it, but lots of things are in the pipeline. Uni starts again next week and after nearly 4 months of holiday, I'm not ready really, but in another way I am, and I have to prepare a Powerpoint presentation to show the projects I've been working on over the summer. Needless to say I haven't started it yet, because I've probably taken about 5000 photos over the summer and I don't know which ones are the project! Procrastination on that, but that is normal.

I've made about 200 cards from my photos, some printed and some stuck on card blanks and they look quite good and a local shop is going to take some. I've also had a market stall the last two Saturdays and got quite a good response there, doing it again on Friday, but with some things I brought back from Nepal as well .. you have to sell a lot of cards to just pay for the market space, so I need a few more expensive things as well. No-one seems to have much money these days, but gotta try. Trying is important because I intend to raise £700 towards a ticket to Asia for a month over the Christmas holidays and I want to do it by selling things. If I don't book the ticket now though, it will only get more expensive as time goes on. I find that I may have to go to Hong Kong, which excites me as I've never been to anywhere Chinese, and that seems to be the cheapest place to fly to from here at the moment. So .. interesting place for taking photos definitely, but that is not the final destination. The cat will not like it (such a long absence), but too bad.

Here are a few of the photos that I like that I've taken over the last couple of weeks. There has been a lot of good stuff on TV here lately, mostly foreign language detective thriller type things .. 'The Killing' (Danish) and 'Spiral' (French) .. and now 'Spooks' and 'Downton Abbey' have started again. BBC4 is surprisingly good. I never used to watch much TV but lately I have. I even found myself enjoying a programme about particle physics lately, lol. I am behind on my email correspondence. I am trying to organise the first ever 'Cheltenham Photography Festival'. I am busy, yes. I also found myself being asked to design a poster for the NHS for midwives and mothers about how to have the best possible birth! Dunno if they will actually agree to use it though, but would be good if they do.

The cashmere from Nepal is selling in Paris slowly. An ongoing project, and some money waiting for me there when I get over there in November for Paris Photo. Probably enough for the Asia ticket come to think of it :)

Luckily none of my friends there were affected by the earthquake there, but now, like New Zealand, they will never feel free of the fear of aftershocks. A lot of Kathmandu was destroyed in an earthquake in 1933, I hope it doesn't happen again. The world seems rather unstable in every way at the moment. I am sick of hearing that the 'global economy has entered a dangerous new phase' on the news. We need to be less greedy and why things should continue to 'grow' is totally unrealistic. I am glad we resisted the Euro. Somehow this hasn't made air fares cheaper as the flights/trains etc. that I want to be on are all full and expensive. Contradictions here! If America screws up Palestine and the UN I will not be pleased, but I already know that they will. Nothing changes on that front.

Big party in London on 30th next week to celebrate the end of the year-long Street Photography Now Project. Really looking forward to that and meeting some old and new friends. I think 2 of my pictures were chosen by the project organisers and will feature in a slide show. It's been a fantastic learning experience (even if it doesn't always show!).

I am also initiating a collage project on facebook and Flickr. So if you don't read my stuff on either of those here are the links. I want as many people to take part as I can possibly get and it will be fun! You don't have to be particularly artistic either, you just have to want to try and maybe you'll surprise yourself, be creative, and meet some new friends along the way. So, yes, please join! Some talented people have agreed to do the project and I can't wait to see the collages that we all produce. You might be surprised at what you can do and you only have to do one piece a month. The theme for October is 'Music'.



This is my sister's puppy, Lola, and I have to say if I could have a dog I'd have this one.

The vet told me the other day that according to the records, my cat is 14. Impossible! How could she look so good and have been around so long. If cat years are the same as dog years that means she is now 98.

Beetroot is very photogenic

This is one of my best street photos ever!

The evolving contents of my compost bin could end up being my presentation project.

I am still obsessed by cabbage

It rained like hell while I was at the market last Saturday. About half of these pics were taken with my phone .. who needs a proper camera.

This is my favourite shop, down the road, it's like a time warp back to my childhood. It has all the old-fashioned sweets, and just about everything you didn't know you might want (especially if you're 10) and .. a dog in his basket.

Hydrangeas are always pretty colours and favourite subjects of mine flower-wise.

I just liked this girl with her wonderful hair playing on the street and I like the reflection in the glass.

And finally, I got another shot of a rainbow near, but not over, The Rainbow, a double one this time. And the pot of gold is the NatWest bank. Haha. Very appropriate.

life, photography

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