So I finally got around to catching up to my days, great start(!). We're on, what are we on? Day four, and February was the wrong freaking month to do this being the only one I CAN'T ACTUALLY FIT IT ALL INTO. But I can't be bothered to wait until next month.
Anyway, unless someone can point me in the direction of a better 30days, I'm using my own. Well, 'my own' adapted one.
Massive props to
emmahyphenjane even though I don't think I've ever spoken to her, but her 30 Days of Who were my biggest influence for this.
Day 1 - Favourite StarGate Incarnation ✔
Day 2 - Favourite Female Character ✔
Day 3 - Favourite Male Character ✔
Day 4 - Favourite Bad Guy ✔
Day 5 - Favourite Guest Star
Day 6 - Least Favourite Character
Day 7 - Favourite Episode
Day 8 - Least Favourite Episode
Day 9 - Favourite Series
Day 10 - Favourite Scene/Moment
Day 11 - Scene/Moment that makes you cry
Day 12 - Scene/Moment that makes you giggle
Day 13 - Favourite Monster
Day 14 - Favourite Rodney Moment
Day 15 - Favourite Sheppard Moment
Day 16 - Favourite O'Neill Moment
Day 17 - Favourite Mitchell Moment
Day 18 - Favourite Team Moment
Day 19 - Favourite Ship
Day 20 - Prettiest Scene
Day 21 - Favourite Location
Day 22 - Something Silly
Day 23 - Something Epic
Day 24 - Favourite Ancient Accessory
Day 25 - Favourite Team
Day 26 - Scene/Moment that makes you go 'Awww!'
Day 27 - Scene/Moment that makes you go 'Aargh!'
Day 28 - Favourite Series Arc
Day 29 - Favourite Music/Song
Day 30 - Why Do You Love StarGate?
Day One: Favourite StarGate Incarnation.
StarGate Atlantis
'Lantis was the reason I got into StarGate, and basically... in a way, it's like my perfect show. It's the show that, given funding, a room to myself, a crayon and an endless supply of mini eggs, I would have written, and it's forever gonna remain one of my favourite shows. It was like a gateway into my geek - before this it was Doctor Who and nothing. After, it was wow, science fiction isn't just dusty old 'classic' films I've never seen, or something to take the piss out of. It led from there to so many more, SG-1, Farscape, Firefly, seriously EVERYTHING sci-fi I like, bar Who, I started from Atlantis.
Day Two: Favourite Female Character.
Vala Mal Doran
There aren't many (good or otherwise) women writers in science fiction. That is an absolute fact. To that end... most of the women in StarGate I find... well, not unlikeable, just not my type of girl, really. With most, there's this underlying annoyance that's not really there, I can't quite put my finger on, but gets in the way anyhow. Sam Carter, she's great, Laura Cadman, I adore but that's mostly because of Jaime Ray Newman, but there's only one overall winner, and it's gotta be Vala. She's hilarious, she's smart, and she's so annoyingly gorgeous. Seriously. Not even fair.
And then she's Aeryn Sun who's bloody awesome and... aaaargh.
Day Three: Favourite Male Character.
Doctor Meredith Rodney McKay
...This was a trick question, right?
Throughout series one, I'll be honest, Rodney was the most ANNOYING CHARACTER I EVER SAW IN ANYTHING EVER. And then I hit series two and he just grew on me, and he just got funnier and funnier, and then more amazing and just awesome. Bless him, he's just amazing, and having met David Hewlett, he's even more incredible in real life.
Day Four: Favourite Bad Guy.
You can't hate Ba'al, am I right? Well, you can, but you loooooove it! He's suave, smooth, sophisticated, gorgeously evil, he just ticks all the bad guy boxes. Apparently Cliff Simon's a riot at conventions, so I'm desperate to meet him at one, too... Who else (if you're Who fans) thinks Cliff would make a great Master?