(no subject)

Jan 18, 2010 00:00

Title: Definition Of Us (One Shot)
Author: onkeyloves
Pairings: Onew/Key
Ratings: G
Genre: Fluff?/Romance.
Summary: What can we define us as?

A/N: Dedicate to theconnivingbox for simply being awesome & yoshika244 for the lyrics of BLACK JOKE for the inspiration of this fic.♥ & Happy birthday to authentic_mess! its your bday right? cause LJ sent me an email >,< but if it isnt, ignore me! ignore me totally, cause im too embarrassed!


How long had it been since we’ve been a band? Ten years? Or maybe 2 years? I’ve lost count since the day I met you and I still can’t believe how we managed to stay together as one. With you assuming the role of Umma and me as Appa. The times we spent with each other surpassing the period we spend with our families and friends. Spending every single day in each other’s presence, with our rowdy band mates, & having to lean against each other when problem or mistakes arises, how we actually depend on each other so desperately.

Every single night, we tuck our members to sleep, kissing them goodnight, and assuring them everything’s alright, to only snuggle in each other’s embrace, trying to ward all doubts about where our future would be with one another. The random kisses at the side of our lips, the occasional hugs at the waist, the lingering eye contacts we share. The strength we depend on each other for is magical, the aura we possess for each other is only for you and me. No one could ever take it away from us.

We can’t seem to live without each other anymore. But this thing we share, it’s not just any ordinary kind of love, it would be too wasteful simply saying that. Because you’re simply irreplaceable and even love isn’t enough to describe what I have for you. But I have to say, in this lifetime, in this world, you’re probably the only person I’ll ever have such chemistry with, the only person who I’ll never forsake, this is how important you are to me. You are me, and I am you. We fit perfectly like a pieces of jigsaw puzzle. & even in a crowd of a billion people, we’ll still be able to find our way to each other.

I ever tried facing your back, imagine what life could be without you, but I ended up asking myself what life was before you came instead. & having to visualise the lonely feeling of simply being alone with us being in the embrace of others, I can’t bring myself to. I only come back to wanting to hear your laughter to make it all go away and the reassurance of your whispers in my ears to make me feel secure again and the usual tugging at my heart would eventually cease with you near me.

When we had our own relationships, all the heartbreaks and pain continues to roll. Still, we stood by each other, assuring it’s going to be okay, and maybe, just maybe it’s okay to be heartless for a while and let it go, because we don’t need anyone else. We have each other. This relationship we share exceeds any ordinary person we come across. How easy it is for us to mend the broken pieces of the heart. How easy it is to turn to each other regardless of any situation.

Because we too know that nothing beats the pain when we have our own little fights, our little arguments. it would be a million times more excruciating when we do not speak to each other. & we shed a river of tears when it happens than a quarrel we had with our lover, & the smiles we give each other makes us happier than our lover could ever provide. The times our hearts quicken in speed when we stood too close for comfort, so I wonder again, what is this we share if it isn’t the love they all talk about? At this point, Love would still be an understatement to what we share between us.

So I continue to ponder about us, the things we do with each other, the casual flirtatious words we share apart from our lovers, a crinkle in the eye that touches my heart. The things we do for our supporters when we are up there on the stage, the link that connects us to them still bond us back together. How we purposely bend down to hear what we say to each other even though we need not to, the supportive glances we throw at each other when we were too nerve-racking.

We did try to figure this relationship which entangles us together, but we never got a conclusion that satisfies either of us, and so the mystery prolongs, and we simply brush it away till our next conversation when we decide to define it again. But it never really was a barrier to us even though it remains unclear to us, to them, to people who tried figuring us out too. & I like to think it’s a nasty joke God had played on us, or a corrupted fate twisted into vines of confusion. We ever tried asking if maybe we could try to fall in love, but it seems impossible to even start it off.

The unconscious feelings that contracts when we’re placed next to each other seem like it would be seen through, & I would tighten our intertwined hands unknowingly. & I would smile with a tinge of worry, that maybe what we share would soon be exposed by others, and the feelings within us could be gone somehow. But you would pull me into your embrace instead for settling on a hand grip and whisper “I know”. & in that split second, I know I was even wrong to think of it that way. But I still refuse to think its love, and continue to hold on to him, not willing to let go. Cause it’s always two or none.

& i stop trying to find words to describe us. A definition of us is lost gone in the silent wind that caresses our cheeks. & the messages it carries across the world is numerous, and maybe it would carry this message across to people, and maybe one day I would get an answer, but for now, I’m just waiting for you to come back to laze around and cuddle on the couch and smell in the scent we both share.


Yet, as I’m drinking up the coffee you brewed for me, a thought flashes through my mind...did I underestimate this crazy thing called love?


Maybe we’ve been in love the moment we laid eyes on each other...


A note to my readers♥ & commenters♥ :

I simply want to say a BIG I LOVE YOU to all the silent readers who have commented on my previous fics! It’s awfully nice & lovely of all of you! ♥ & the usuals who just keep coming and supporting me and my friend! I appreciate you all a lot, and am always waiting for you all to comment~! ^^ You don’t know how anxious it is for me to pitch a tent here and camp at this site. (: so tell me what you think of this /: I would try my extreme best to dedicate my fics to all you bbs! so please look out for your name/s! /:

A message for yoshika244 :
I hope I didn't disappoint you with this fic, I might have some twist and turn around that is different from the song. But i tried my best /:
& I hope I didn't spoil the song or anything /: im so sorry its a huge fail!

-comments please? my heart is sinking by the second ): I ♥ you guys! -stabs self!-
:I have shifted to fabricatedays <3


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