H3y DJ Sp!nn Th@t b@ck

Nov 17, 2005 11:27

Depeche mode friday. The lead singer and the lead guitarest smiled and pointed and sang to me. I got the stage towl.
The bravery opened for them
I could not have picked a better opening band myself.
You never think of these great band mixes ya know?!
But yeah.. CKY friday, Met DJ.. I swer I am going to marry that guy.
He looks like the lead guitarest of Avenged Sevenfold only with blonde hair and his lip is pierced.
He is an artist and a photographer... how compadable.
No but yeah.. I crowd surfed to the front and kicked a whole group of chicks in the head, than the guard guy grabbed my ass. So than I was dancing in the front between the barrier to the fans and the stage and the lead guitarest of CKY told me I was hot.
And Fireball Ministry opened for the,!!
So did this other band called "the knives" but they sucked ass.
I got beer spuilt on me numorouse times and offered numorus drugs were being shoved in my face.
I was being groped the whole fucking concert.
Than me and DJ "danced" in the mosh sidelines.
Than concert ends.. me Trey Johnny and all tyhe toher guys DJ was with go to DJ's house.
Me and DJ "bond" He has the cutest dog.. its a pitbull baby and his name is sabashtian.
He calls him "sir sabashtian"
How great right?
I told Oscar to tell Apollo I like him.. he did and sai that he dosn't think that Apollo likes me but Gabby says not to believe him because she says Oscar likes me too.
I want to go out with Chachi still!
I mean.. like if I saw him.. I would totally rape him.
but anywhoo...Andy likes me. thats awkward.
I ate a whole bottle of nutmeg cuz if you do it fucks you up for a long time.
i havnt eaten or slept in two days.
ha ha ha
Im a crack head I know
I am getting 6 tabs from dakota this week.
I am also babysitting for drug money.
sinners are winners
I have been pindering this very creepy thought lately...
Not to be wierd or anything..
But.. I find it scary how much we, as humans, are capable of horrible things. Like some kid could just go crazy and start shooting people. Ir kids could go to the science lab, turn on a burner, and burn the school down. Like the guy sittign right next to me could jump up and just randomly beating the shit out of me. Or I could take this computer and smash it into the teacher's face. Its soo scary that we have all of this inside of us but we never use it. I guess you never know when someone will just decide to use all of thier capabilities and kill us all.
Im not trying to predict another Columbine, I'm just saying. Its scary.
But hey, people are pussies, we are smart enough to not want to go to jail and get our salad's tossed.
Andy says you can make acid by taking orange pees and putting crest on them.. and tha eating the mold that forms from it.
I am totally going to try that too.
Louse is in jail. :(
I hope he gets out of lock-up soo.
Damn dude. all my friends are getting into lock up. Fucking pigs.. the 5.0 are a bunch of fucking natzi cunts.
Assholes neve have reason to pull us over.. its just the mohawks and piercings and out kandi that throws them to it.
Its always the innocent looking ones that are the ones doing bad shit. But "NO" because they refuse to look past how we look into the kind of people we really are. They fear us.. so they beat us down. This is sick my fellow kandi kids.. we need to revolt!
okay well I gotsta go now!
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