HOWTO listen to a CD

Nov 05, 2017 15:00

I just got a CD! It's the soundtrack for Skullgirls, which is this really lovely fighting game with super-expressive animation and beautiful jazzy music.

Step 1: rip entire CD to mp3s with Rhythmbox. Apparently Rhythmbox knows about the track names and the artist (through CD-Text?? Or maybe some online database? This seems like kind of an obscure disc to be in such a database, but whatevs), so it's good for labeling the tracks' metadata.

Step 2: Upload the album to Google Play Music with my little music manager widget.

Step 3: Stream the music to myself through the Google Play Music webapp.

... I mean, I could just play the music off the disc itself. But, uh... that's not how I listen to music these days.

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