I've been blogging here for a long time, as blogs go, about six years.
It's been a very useful, helpful outlet, but all good things must come to an end and I'm starting to think about finishing up.
First, the nature of my questions are changing. I am spending more time discussing local social issues and less time on larger intellectual or halachic ones. The blog format is a very public one and not very practical for chatting about my family and friends or my kids' school problems. I spent some time debating whether I should make this blog "friends" only or find some other approach to improving privacy that might work better, but I couldn't think of anything.
Next, this blog was a little bit like chocolate. Helps you get through the day but not so good for you in the long run. This outlet kept me in check and helped me make it through these past six years. But it also kept me tethered to religion, particularly its negative aspects, too much.
Finally, and this is going to make some of you sad, I just don't care that much anymore. I'm barely frum, at best, and with every passing day, I associate less and less with crazy frum people. Here's
an article about the good people of Crown Heights who are upset that someone reported an illegal daycare. Apparently they'd rather have their kids attending a daycare out of a garage with too many kids and not enough licensed teachers. In the past, I would have been upset, even wondered whether this community will ever learn, etc, etc. Now, I just don't care. I have nothing to do with them, they are some crazy sect and I might as well spend my time worrying about the Quiverful folks or the Amish. It's like that for almost everything I read now about Orthodox Jews. It just doesn't affect me anymore, I'm not part of that community and there are many idiots in the world, why focus only on the Orthodox ones?
But I'm not totally closing down yet. I need a little security blanket. I think I should give it a rest for a few months and see how it goes and then make a final decision. Yes? Yes.
Thank you for reading all my ramblings :)