But the meat was probably slaughtered completely correctly, so why not trust them? Because of how they behaved in their personal lives?
It wasn't a matter of trust. Banning meat slaughtered by an opponent is a Jewish "nuclear option" of very long standing. Unlike the Karaite shekhita controversy, this method is purely political.
> How many in the intended audience would follow Rav Feinstein and rely on government regulations to drink regular milk instead of chalav yisroel?
Even more, even among those that drik cholov stam, how many would buy milk without an OU or other certification? Even though the government garuantees that there's nothing in the milk except milk.
When I was young the only milk with a hechsher was chalav yisrael, and even people who were quite frum drank chalav stam with no hechsher without a question.
It wasn't a matter of trust. Banning meat slaughtered by an opponent is a Jewish "nuclear option" of very long standing. Unlike the Karaite shekhita controversy, this method is purely political.
Even more, even among those that drik cholov stam, how many would buy milk without an OU or other certification? Even though the government garuantees that there's nothing in the milk except milk.
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