As a law school student and parent of four, it appears that I have too much free time in my day. So that is why we are considering getting a puppy.
So, what's the story with spaying and neutering? It is apparently prohibited to neuter an animal because it is cruel or
interferes with God's plans or something. But slaughtering and eating a cow? No problem.
So if my dog has litters and litters of puppies whom no one will take in and they end up being put to sleep by our local shelter, this is better than getting her spayed in the first place? The brisket I ate over Yom Tov, however, is not a problem because my meat-eating needs are more important than any animal's life? Is that about it? Does anyone have an explanation that makes sense here?
Some people apparently have a variety of
loopholes just for this occassion. You can sell your dog to the vet for a dollar and buy her back after the procedure is completed. Is God really that dense that He is okay with a marginally more expensive procedure as a way to avoid the issur?
Also, for a lovely reductio ad absurdum argument on this topic, check
this one out. It seems that after I get my dog spayed, I might as well go have gay sex with my siblings while enjoying a ham sandwich on Yom Kippur. Forgive me for that visual, siblings.