Ten Good Reasons Women Shouldn't Be Rabbas

Mar 06, 2010 22:43

1. Rabbas go to shul and talk about divrei torah. Real Jewish women go to shul and talk about who really should not be wearing such a tight dress and who should have been married by now if it wasn't for how picky she is.

2. Rabbas visit the sick. Real Jewish women say a kapitel tehillim and tell you to check your mezzuzos. Bikkur Cholim is just not their thing.

3. Rabbas counsel married couples who are having problems. Real Jewish women call up their friends on the phone and say "Did you hear about so-and-so...."

4. Rabbas learn a lot, like for five years. Real Jewish women barely make it through high school and almost never go to seminary.

5. Rabbas take on real positions of leadership in the community. Real Jewish women are never in charge of anything important, like a gemach, a school or a company.

6. Rabbas are immodest. They lead davening and actually mean what they say. Real Jewish women just have Amen parties.

7.  Rabbas might make other women want to get more involved with Judaism. Real Jewish women just author apikorsishe blogs. They never hold shiurim or teach classes or anything like that.

8. Rabbas might make men feel like stupid sacks of crap. Because that's how all men feel in comparison to the Rabbi of their shul.

9. You never know what those Rabbas are going to do next- serve traifus, drive to shul on shabbos. That's why they  specifically stay with an Orthodox shul.

10. In their position of authority, Rabbas might be faced with questions which are not related to children, niddah or cooking. Because traditional poskim only answer shailos on questions with which they have personal experience.

Inspired by this and this.

women, rabbis, tznius

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