Dear Elokistim,
I saw your
You-Tube video and
Congrats! I see you are making excellent progress on getting rid of those annoying fast days. I wish you yasher koach in this project. Don't let that silly
cherem thing get in the way of your hard work.
However, your progress on the other 612 commandments has been real slow. Unbelievably slow, I might add. I still can't do anything fun on shabbos and this whole kashrus thing really puts a damper on eating out. Please step on the pedal a bit and hurry it up. I would especially appreciate if Pesach is taken care of early this year. Then I can go away for spring break instead of cleaning my house. I really could use a spring break.
BTW, elokistim, why are so many of you Russian?
Once again, thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of us apikorsim and others who don't want to do any more mitzvos.
Fondly, Onionsoupmix
ETA: Oy, apparently, I was not adequately aware of the noshim tzidkonious who are working hard to eliminate niddah, kashrus, mechitzah and sheitlach. From
here. Still waiting for the abolishment of Pesach though.