So my kids didn't know what Yom Hashoah was.
They did not talk at all about Holocaust Rememberance day in their school. I let it go for a bit, thinking that maybe they had programs for older children or that my kids just forgot. But today I called the school and found out that it was official policy because "all types of rememberances of that sort
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Comments 57
So they grouped them all by categories -
On Purim we celebrate all the victories when Jews were in danger
During Hanukkah we celebrate all the victories when Judaism was in danger
Similarly, each community has its own auspicious times.
But they don’t dare to impose new general obligations.
My first manager in America was a Jew who never heard of Tisha Be Ave and he thought that there are too many Jewish Holidays already. So I told him the story about similar Aman’s notion and that the Jews made one more holiday in commemoration of his chutzpah. Luckily, my manager had a sense of humor.
Unfortunately, OSM kids go to a wrong school I suspect. I just hope that it would do no harm, after all we all went to Soviet schools ourselves.
My Rabbi and his wife’s families are Holocaust survivors so it means a great deal to them, but they strive to preserve the traditions intact so we have somewhat accurate point of reference.
"It was the jackal - Tabaqui, the Dish-licker - and the wolves of India despise Tabaqui because he runs about making mischief, and telling tales, and eating rags and pieces of leather from the village rubbish-heaps.
Somehow guys who established Tzom Gedalyah for example, didn't strive to preserve the traditions that much.
Our sages of blessed memory say: Haposel - bemumo posel. Please see your rabbi for translation.
However I just don't understand why did you call school ? Did you expect any reasonable reaction ? Would you call a school principal in Soviet Union and ask him why kids do not learn anything about 6 million Jews perished in WW2 ?
But let's all be sure and fast on taanis esther because a thousand years ago in Persia a bad guy threatened the Jews and we survived. Give me a break.
But we all managed to go through soviet schools, hopefully our kids will manage through this kosher mess.
here we are trying to make sure the whole world never forgets and our own people right in our backyard arent even teaching about it.. whats up with that?
At least they will know everything about permitted length of skirts and the thickness of stockings. It is very important for a bas Yisroel to know why she cannot wear black stockings, and why burka is the preferred way to dress. Don't you agree ?
G-d forbid.
This being said, Holocaust is a tragedy that was done in a very different way and had it's own important lesson.
So I do not know if we need a separate Yom HaShoa, but if this is the only way to remember this particular part of our history, let it be this way.
I would like to see a source for this. I tried looking up the numbers and was not able to find anything to support your position.
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