May 30, 2009 22:29
So much has changed for me in the past year. I can't really believe I'm where I am now. Although it seems that I'm constantly wondering how I ended up where I am. It seems like I just make random turns in this game of life. One thing I have to give myself credit for is that it seems like I keep on arriving at destinations that make me generally happy.
I'm really happy with my relationship right now, it seems really right, and I hope it is. My biggest fear is that he will get tired of me and that will be that. I guess because thats what generally seems to happen with me and relationships. I feel bad for being negative, but I'm just scared, because going from having everything to nothing really sucks. A lot of the reason my life is going so well now is because I'm happy in the relationship I'm in.
I need to be writing more, I always have thoughts running through my mind, but I never put them down, I wish I had someone to read them. I want to share myself finally, maybe I will soon.
So I walked during graduation and it was really wierd. Its odd to think that its all over, that we will all just scatter back to where we came from. I'm going to miss everyone. Friendships that I formed with amazing people. I hate when things end. I hate loosing people, loosing touch, the feeling like that part of your life has ended, wondering where the new part of your life will begin. The picture for my lj is from high school. I like it because in that moment I was indescribably happy, a feeling that I continue to enjoy, but not in relation to the feelings I felt in the photo.
Sometimes I wish i was depressed again, because it seems like everything I wrote then was significant. Oh well, being happy is much more pleasant.
Well I'm going to stop because I don't really know what else to say. So until next time.