So, I don't know if any of you people watch youtube. But, a while ago the latest trend was to make a video marking 50 noteworthy things you have done in your life. When that happened I made a list of my fifty things. For some reason I feel like sharing it today.
1. I have graduated high school
2. I have broken my foot during a production of Guys and Dolls and kept a smile on my face as everyone told me "We didn't REALLY mean break a leg"
3. I have gone to a foreign country sort of knowing the language (but not really) and then was able to talk for hours with someone in that language by the end of my stay.
4. I have fallen both up and down the stairs. frequently.
5. I have double dueced an authority figure......when they weren't looking.
6. I have walked for an entire day on a broken ankle without knowing it.
7. I got into a shouting match with my eight grade teacher for tricking us on an exam...and don't regret it.
8. I have fallen off a horse.
9. I have done something even though I was terrified.
10. I have gotten up the courage to go on a zip line only to accidently let go the second my feet left the platform and do a belly flop into very shallow water (and you people wonder why I'm afraid of heights)
11. I have flown by myself both cross-country and overseas.
12. I have been in a physical fight with someone during school...and won.
13. I have been that person who when you enter a room everyone shuts up like they were just saying something bad about you.
14. I have gotten an A on a research paper I wrote in the four hours before it was due.
15. I have cried at something really stupid in front of a LOT of people.
16. I have accidentally run over a bunny rabbit in the middle of the road. and cried.
17. I have sung at Carnegie Hall with my high school choir.
18. I have swam in the ocean only to see a shark not very far away from me. and somehow got back to shore without having a heart attack.
19. I have climbed through lava fields on the big island in Hawaii.
20. I have gone punting on the river Cam.
21. I have lost someone very close to me.
22. I have been in a flood (and I'm not talking those things I used to get out of school for, I'm talking chair floating in the middle of a road flood)
23. Although I have not been in a physical tornado, I have seen extremely tornadic weather.
24. I have slept through an earthquake.
25. I have been woken up by our old dryer shaking my entire room and thought there was an earthquake.
26. For the sake of an experiment, I have stayed up for 48 hours straight and then taken a field sobriety test....and failed.
27. I have ran into an empty walmart that lost electricity to take cover from a violent storm only to find out when I came out that I locked my keys in my car while the car was still running.
28. I have gotten stuck in the mud in a very bright car next to my barn at school and somehow managed to not get found out by a. earlham security or b. the girls at the barn
29. I have gone skinny dipping...frequently.
30. I have been so drunk I can't remember what I did the night before and have a boy I didn't know be extremely friendly towards me and know weird stuff about me.
31. I have had a nickname get so ingrained that a good friend in high school didn't know who was being referred to when my real name was mentioned.
32. I have had to dig for my ticket in the trash at a concert.
33. I have saved a crowd surfer from certain death at a concert.
34. I have had both a coughing fit and a laughing fit at the same time.
35. I have nearly died from an asthma attack.
36. I have lost a big research paper a day before it was due because my computer crashed.
37. I have acted out the scene in lord of the rings with the balrog on the bridge of khazadum on a public street with a car playing the role of the balrog (for those of you who aren't nerds: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!)
38. I have worn a white glove all day and told everyone it was an oompa-loompa glove.
39. I have cut nearly a foot of my hair and had my father not notice.
40. I have tried alligator tail...and agreed that it does in fact taste like chicken.
41. I have owned a computer I was convinced was possessed by something...and that's not a joke either.
42. I have hiked the most difficult trail in Tennessee.
43. I have said, "Wouldn't it be funny if it started raining?" only to have it start rain that second despite the fact it was sunny and beautiful when you spoke.
44. I have gone to the midnight release of so many movies its too many to put under one bullet point.
45. I have pet a sting ray
46. i have hit another car in the parking lot trying to park myself...twice.
47. I have lived with two different people I hate for two years. and I tend to get along with people.
48. I have had a solo given to me to only have it taken away before I actually got a chance to practice it. Twice. In the same year. Within a months time.
49. I have flushed my math homework down the toilet to avoid doing it.
50. I have watched all of Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy backwards.
Wow, there are a lot of nerdy/weird things on that list! haha XD.