There's No Place Like London

Mar 25, 2008 15:20

So even though this was sort of already told to me its sort of somewhat official now...

I had my interview for the London program today and THEY TOLD ME THAT I AM GOING TO LONDON NEXT SPRING! I AM GOING TO LONDON NEXT SPRING!


I am like hardcore excited you guys.

Besides having classes we will also have a sort of part-time volunteer job at some sort of volunteer organization. They asked me what I wanted to do for this and I didn't really have a clue at all, haha. So, the lady running it starts telling me about different ones offered--some in museums, some with like...political thinktanks and stuff...but the one that stood out to me was called the Pimlico Toy Library--which is a place where kids who are homeless or don't have very much can come and rent toys out! Apparently that job would entail basically playing with little british kids most of the time. I know some of you don't like kids, but to me that sounds like a blast!

I want to go NOW! It needs to be next year! Next fall is going to be amazing what with my HAPPY living situation and then LONDON LONDON LONDON!

I am so over this semester, haha! A little over a month to go though, which is terrifying.

travel, earlham, london, omgyay!

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