Mar 04, 2008 20:16

You guys, my life is a sit-com. There is absolutely no other explanation. This afternoon was completely completely ridiculous and the vast majority of it was my own damn fault.

So, I had a million errands to run this afternoon--including getting my broken windshield wipers on my car fixed. So what does it do? IT POURS RAIN! So, I had to some how drive in the torrential downpour with broken windshield wipers---this involved sticking my head out of my car window and yes, I was soaked.

ANYWAY, windshield wipers get fixed, I run a bunch more errands and then finally go to the barn to clean Jesse's stall--I do that and I'm driving back and I see this sort of abandoned lonely road.

Now, I'm pretty sure this road connects to the road that Norwich Lodge is on(you guys will recall from last night that I am living there next year) So, I decide to see! So, all is going well I'm driving down the road until suddenly there is a blockade. Shit. I have to turn around. No problem, right? WRONG! This is a reaaaaaaally narrow road and so I'm attempting to turn around and its kind of going badly. So I eventually get frustrated and drive a little bit off the road.


I immediately get stuck in the worst mud you have ever seen. (Remember the rain?) I try and try to get it out at one point even getting out and pushing my car (which did absolutely nothing haha) and I'm like freaking out. I call my mommy in near tears and she tells me to call AAA. I have to call three different times because my stupid cellphone keeps deciding to disconnect me. I finally get through and they tell me it will be an hour or less. I chill in the car.

People keep walking by. I am humiliated so I keep hiding in the bottom of the car hoping they will just ignore the car that is randomly in the mud. Or think I'm making out with someone. Or anything but getting myself fucking stuck in the mud. An hour passes in this fashion. I fortunately have a book with me so I'm hanging out in the bottom of my car reading because I am huge goober. They FINALLY call back. They tell me it will be another hour and a half. I nearly cry. I continue reading for about 30 more minutes. I am bored out of my mind so I text Abby. Immediately my phone is all YOU DON'T HAVE MUCH BATTERTY LEFT DUDE!

OH NO! thinks I THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO CALL ME BACK! So I bundle up and walk up to the closest intersection which is a good little ways away. It is not that cold here right now but there is this horrible wind and I'm not dressed for it at all. I decide to sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall because I can't think of anything better to do.

I sang it twice before they actually got there! They were able to call for a second to tell me that were completely lost and I ended up having to walk back to campus so I could find them and tell them how to get to me. It was ridiculous.

Anyways, it ended happy as my car got out of the mud. BUT man, that was horrible and semi-hilarious and awkward as hell!

anecdotes, ridiculousness

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