So my day was just made eight times better because I talked to Teah (
teahweah) on skype. It didn't exactly work too well and basically consisted of us going HI! HI! Can you hear me? what? no? you can? oh okay i'm going to sing now!
I sang You are my sunshine and Blackbird....neither of which i think she heard much of. I threatened to sing to her Destiny's Child if she wouldn't say my name. (she was afraid she would pronounce it wrong! :P haha She in fact pronounced it correctly on the FIRST TRY! :D)
Teah has told me in the past she has an american accent. That is a LIE! LIES I TELL YOU! :P
so i'm all bouncy and happy now. HEE!
ETA: Today is April 6th. It is currently snowing outside. That just ain't right.