✿So for half of the summer (from Jule 6th to August 5th) I was taking my psychology class at Pierce. Made the highest grade in the 85-student class with 100.6%. Go me :D.
✿This Monday I'm official staring college (at least in my parent's mind). I'm taking:
•Witchcraft and wizardry (Anthropology 121)
•Child Development 1 at Elcomino HS
•Astronomy, night class which ends at 10pm
•Political Science 002, Modern World Governments. (The Hetalia-esque theme is going to give me a kick out of this class XD )
My earliest class out of the whole week starts at 12:45 and I have no class on Thursday, Friday, and the weekend (awesome). Only two of my friends are going to Pierce, which makes me kinda sad since there's less of a chance our breaks will be the same. Not really a huge worry since Pierce's library has some interesting books.
✿I've been planning for
Hetalia Day at the Balboa Lake since July. I'm going to go as Viking Finland ^ ¬ ^. I already bought a viking hat from a costume store (love that store), but there is no way a wig will fit under it so I have to get another one once halloween stuff becomes more available. Also need to get a wig, and well... almost everything else for the costume. This is definitely going to be a closet costume, the only thing I might make are some arm bands from fake fur.
I love planning costumes ♥.