Pairing: Kyohei/Natsu
Disclaimer: They're not mine, sad but true.
Rating: G
Prompt: the first time natsu spend the Christmas eve's with someone~ who's his lover! just make it romantic and sappy with a lil crack~ enough to make me melting LOL! Doesn't really matter because I completely ignored it.
A/N: for
diisa_pinky. Sorry, this is crap. I just can't make this pair work together, they're completely, terribly different and they will never fit together, they'd hate each other's guts.
The problem with the Santa Claus people working in the street giving out flyers is - Natsu thinks - that they are not obese old men or ridiculously nice disposition, gentle smile and absurdly white bread, but young bored men in suits that are obviously too big for them, breads that fall off and itch their skin until it’s red and quite snarky temperaments. An obese gentle old man would never have tried to grope Kyohei in the middle of the street - nor anywhere else, for that matter.
As it is, Kyohei lash outs at the guy with the hand on his - Natsu has to agree with the molesting guy here - pretty ass, because Kyohei has a very short temp and gets angry far too easily - okay, so being molested by Santa Claus is quite a reason to get angry, but he could have just kept walking. Natsu sighs and throws a lazy punch too, because Kyohei will hold it against him later if he doesn’t at least show some interest in defending his lover - he will hold it against him later anyway because apparently Kyohei is not a girl who needs being defended.
Natsu thinks it’s a good thing they don’t take away his guitar before putting them into the police station’s cell, because he can at least play it to fight away the boredom. He sprends Christmas night serenading Kyohei in a dark, dirty cell with three other dangerous looking guys while Kyohei sulks in a corner and pulls all the silly, funny looking faces he always makes when he is angry, annoyed or screaming. The other three sketchy looking guys call them fags, but they beat him up - again Kyohei’s short temp, Natsu doesn’t really care much. At least they’re put in a separate cell, and it is much smaller than the other so Kyohei has no other option than to sit next to Natsu, and since it is one of those rare nights in which the singer is not drinking, he thinks it would actually be nice to be a bit different and kiss his lover to wish him merry Christmas for once.
Kyohei seems to disagree, and punches him while claiming Natsu should know better than to molest him in prison. Natsu thinks Kyohei should be a little nicer to him, since the man is his first lover and he lacks the experience. At least, he muses, next year Christmas won't be difficult to make better than their first one.