Jun 14, 2012 11:25
So, yesterday my man and I went to my brother-in-law's house to visit with their small family. They invited us over for burgers and asked us to bring a salad. We couldn't just bring like a store bought Caesar salad, no we had to bring the best salad we could bring.
Lettuce (normal)
Tomatoes (normal)
Cucumber (normal)
Avocado (a bit more effort than needed)
Chives (cheap and delicious)
Bacon (well loved by all in the audience)
Popcorn shrimp (used as croutons, disguised as chicken for the preschooler)
Olive oil with herbs from our garden in it. (snooty)
The salad was meant to be arranged lovingly on each plate so that everyone could bask in its beauty. I just put the containers of all the ingredients out so each person could put what they wanted on the salad. Mr. Man, was disappointed by this blatant disregard of presentation, but all agreed that the salad was delicious and most of us put salad toppings on our burgers, so all my chopping for a measly salad did not go to waste, and I get to eat leftovers for lunch today.
The best part of the evening was finally being called by name by my three year old nephew. Up to now, he has just kind of avoided me, and not said my name, which, for someone who just spent a year in higher education learning how to interact with and educate three year olds, is a little disappointing. Luckily, his ten month old brother likes to chew on my necklaces.
So about three quarters through the evening, the three year old goes up the stars to see what his dad is doing (changing a diaper). When he returns he says something like "Uncle Sam, Uncle Danielle......." The rest was obscured by me snorting, because the first time he uses my name he calls me uncle, which the Man, decided to encourage for the rest of the night. I did get "Auntie Daniel and just "Danielle" but most of the time, Uncle Danielle.
I know why that makes sense to him, I am pretty sure I am the only Aunt he sees on a regular basis and as I mentioned, he doesn't pay that much attention to me. I just thought it was funny.
Yup, so that took up a good twenty minutes, and I could probably eat lunch now.
On the agenda today is going to the library to apply for a part time job and to get some books.