(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 18:33

Hey guys.

Shakespeare is half over.
Pictures are up. They're not as good as others might have and definitely not as good as the shakey website but they exist nevertheless.

Also, everyone seems to have a set mind that Yeara is retiring next year for sure. I really don't think he is. I'm not like in the denial phase, I just really don't think he would do that, not with our class. I'm not going to worry about it until he makes it official.

It's weird getting back to being home at three. There's so much time to do whatever I want. It's like summer vacation but with school sometimes.

Is anyone else getting ridiculous amounts of parental pressure about college lately?

I'm mostly asking for gift certificates this Christmas. I used to have all this specific crap picked out, like two years ago I wanted an Arctic Twister Ice Cream Maker, purple colored, with the extra ice cream mix pouches and chocolate sprinkles. I was just entering BCHS and I figured having my own ice cream maker in my house would help me make friends.

I was/am a really lame kid. I think gift certificates would be good presents now though. I'm starting to hate my old clothes (neon tights, fuzzy pink pants) and admire people wearing abercrombie and american eagle. I don't think I'm growing out of my old me, I just think I'm realizing how weirdly different I was from everyone else.

I can't believe I used to paint my shoes.
And wear lollipops in my hair.
And that homemade hat.

My god.

I thought I was so unique and cool.
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