Nov 28, 2005 22:29
To all you whiny bitchy people that feel that you can treat your friends like crap, and there friends like crap because you dont get your own way....
If I were you I would stop and treat them with the respect you want to be treated
Becareful how you walk with your friends, because if you keep pushing, you will push them away.
Not everyhting can be your way, when it is be happy, when it isn't be happy.
Be the best friend you can be, but if all you can be is a Whiny Crying Bitch the Pouts when Shit dont go her way, save every one some trouble and smarten up on your own. Because people really dont want to deal with that SHIT, and the more you act like that the less friends you will have.
If you continue down this path, watch and you will see how you become alone, with no friends left. The friends that leave you, will do so by your own doing.
Thats all for now.