good news and bad news

May 24, 2005 16:42

The good news is that I can start working half time on my research immediately. The bad news is that I can't get paid until July. Of course, that first paycheck will be pretty sweet. ;)

I had a meeting with Derrick and Nate today. We looked at what Nate's been doing (traffic stuff. and thus related to my research) and talked about what I would be doing. I've been charged with learning to do multiple view geometry with computer vision. I'm not totally sure what the is quite yet but I'll start reading the book this evening. I also need to come up with some ideas for just what my master's thesis is going to be, although I think that I might get a better idea of that once I start working.

So all things are "go" and I'm going to just jump right into this research stuff. I'll (eventually) be getting my own desk and everything. Fun, busy times ahead. I'll try to keep you updated, but checking out my lab wiki will be the fastest way to see what I'm up to in the research world.

Pittsburg is a nice city. I think I'm still in denial about it though. I had fun in DP, perhaps I'll go back one day.

My computer almost sorta works again (after weeks of lying comatose it is now marching steadily towards Death's door). A bit dramatic but the point still stands - I need a new computer. The DSL modem in my apartment isn't working so I start to feel very cut off from the world.

Oh, also related to my new start as a grad student. I got bumped up the the PhD program :p See how fast two years turns into five?

Later! ♥
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