Last time on the 3XOs:
- My awesome heir Three died :(
- Meanie Benjen got tamed by a girl
- Arya turned out cute and a little scary
Let’s start this update with one of the cutest animations Sims 2 has to offer.
(why, yes, I always watch my Sims in bed...don’t you? :p)
Mycah: It’s so gross they’re still doing it.
He’s an awesome big bro though.
While the other one is very manly. not
It’s the first time I used the awesome feature of giving a different hairstyle to sleeping clothes :]
I want this child to be potty trained rite nao!
Agnes is such a good singer!
And I love this:
*dies of the cute*
Benjen is intent to prove he’s a great bro too :3
How come that a sim as mean as him insists on being so very cute with his little siblings?
Must be cuz he knows he looks so adorable while doing it. =3
I just sent you into platinum so don’t you dare giving me this face you ungrateful little prick! You’ll be happy about it one day.
Impress the girl you like with a cool Hi - you’re doing it wrong!
Or quite right actually? o.O
But he’s still a meanie in case you wondered.
Also still not very bright.
That was YOUR party too, twat! -.-
With this Ron scared the shit out of me!
I heard of people becoming mere shadows of themselves after their partner die but this is ridiculous (especially with the perma plat plumbob over his head -.-)
Someone is having a rich girlfriend I see.
Matrix-baby, lol.
It took me some time to realise what was going on but then I remembered I’ve sent Invisi!Ron to tinker with the TV during the night to keep him in check.
Loras really seems to be more of a musical than fitness sim to me as he’s always autonomously using this stuff... (and he’s pretty good at it, too)
Just like his mum Ben isn’t the type who’d allow having no chemistry to stop him.
It was Loras’ birthday last night but I forgot...and the game did, too. He only grew up after I clicked the option that next morning o__O
And look how excited he is about it.
While Loras is getting his make-over have a cute picture of little Agnes :)
And here he is - turned out pretty adorable I think! X3
Loras 3XO
8 - neat
10 - outgoing
9 - active
3 - serious
1 - grumpy
Aspiration: Family (his LTW didn’t show up yet as it was with the twins first...)
OTH: Fitness
Turn ons: charismatic, good cleaner
Turn off: good cook
Oh the smarts of sims...always astounding me anew.
That day Benjen brought a pretty girl from school.
Who immediately starts to suck up to Agnes.
Loras: Ow! Mum!
Agnes: Sorry, sweetie. Guess I was caught up a little too much in checking out this wife material.
Loras: Wife material? Why didn’t you say that earlier? Hi, I’m Loras. Why don’t you tell me something about your physiology? *wink wink nudge nudge*
Agnes: See, Sim God told ya you’d be thankful one day!
Wife Material’s ugly brother in the background: *is wary*
Wife Material: Haha, that was a sex allegory, was it not?
Agnes: My work is done here.
Wife Material’s ugly brother in the background: *is somewhere else*
In my German game her name is Gina Neumann who somehow escaped the Sim Bin. As that means no way to get in touch with her I spent some hours to build a nice Victorian house for her and her many sibling where Loras can move in after college - cuz let’s face it: as adorable as he is - with the georgous twins and the cute sister I don’t think he’s gonna be heir...
Loras: Me no heir? :[
Yes, Loras, put all your disappointment about that in your music.
Bert: You ugly spawn of some other guy, how dare you even THINK about standing a chance against MY children?
He really doesn’t like Loras, huh? :(
Poor bebi.
Perhaps Bert was just cranky as he couldn’t use their bed the last night. After Agnes got in it wasn’t clickable anymore, so I boolpropped them a new one after she got up.
And as I was in testingcheats mode anyway I tried to force error Ron and it worked perfectly :) (ignore the hat, that was one of my experiments while he was invisible).
With Ron back to normal it was time for a party.
And the usual pathfinding problems.
But then...
...drama ensued.
Who the fuck used the bbq grill??
Bert was the only one who cared though.
Thank god I have a fire alarm for the grill too.
Though next time I’d like a non-drugged fire man. Kthxbye.
With Arya grown out of the nursery now Loras has to move in with the twins.
Loras: Heard that bro? :D We’re gonna talk all night and share our secrets and make plans for the weekends and...
Why doesn’t anybody in this house like Loras?
And why is the sim with the 2 nice pts scowling like mad and the 1 nice pt sim smiling like it’s early spring?
I had to sell the dartboard so that Loras actually can use the bed - oh, they’re never going to forgive him...
This stupid trash compactor! The hired repairman didn’t even try to fix it and nearly every sim in this house old enough to try got electrocuted from it! >___<
Benjen, WTF? There’s a perfectly unoccupied bathroom upstairs, just across from your bedroom. Why did you have to go all the way down to ground floor where your grandpa is currently washing off the ashes from his near-death-experience?
Isn’t this the most adorable pyjama? =3
Arya isn’t much of a morning person though...
She tries not to show it to the school bus driver, how cute!
Arya: Look, I have white teeth now and am not scary anymore! :D
...I see your fingers thar, driver! >:(
Ok, that’s an end for today, only 59 pictures this time. I didn’t feel like playing longer, sorry...
Warnings: some caps, some swearing - the normal