Last time One and Three began to battle about the position of heir. Let’s see if they continue in College.
Let’s have look at our boys’ transition outfits, shall we?
One. Check.
Needs new clothes.
Two. Check.
Three. Check.
Heir, y/y? ^___^
Two: Oooh, this is so exciting! Whichever major shall I choose? There are so many interesting and they lay the brickstone for my future.
Three: Lawl, come off it, Two! We’re away from home, let’s meet people, let’s waste money, it’s party time!
So I sent the most trustworthy of them to buy some new clothes. And immediately notice I should’ve sent Bo to College for wife-hunting… So, cute-college girls-picture spam:
This one, Rosalinde, was there even twice o__O
Guessing there must be something special about her then I sent Two to chat her up.
Two: So... *squirms* wannamoveinwithme?
Rosalinde: Haha, you wish...
Rosalinde II enters the scene *dam dam daaam*
I’m surprised the game didn’t crash.
Rosalinde II: One plus one makes two :)
Please note the ambiguity ;)
Two: Ah, now I get it. makes Two, lol
They got along pretty well, though.
Then smart me noticed the house actually has three not two storeys and took a look there...
I’m gonna need to check the boys’ gender preference *____*
Back away, girls, I saw him first!
Just to make sure he doesn’t get away :)
And when Two was already on his way back SHE entered the lot. Soraja - even her name is beautiful! =D
That settled it, future Legacy Boys MUST go to College.
Back at the dorm the dormies arrive.
Bert Vogel (lol@
Phoebe whatever-her-last name-is
They are ok but nothing against the shopping place.
Three autonomously did that during all his uni years, he almost maxed out creativity and decoreated the whole dorm with his pictures =D
Then it was time for them to put on the shiny new clothes their nice middle brother bought for them :)
So adorable =3
And Three:
I think it looks grand, thank you very much.
By the way their majors are: Literacy (One), Physics (Two) and none yet (Three ^^ - later he had the want for Acting and I agreed)
Then I remembered I wanted to check them out and, well...
Fabulous! =D
My boys still battle and they know what I like =D
Oooh, if it wasn’t already set she would be a perfect match. =3 Her name is Gretchen.
Our knowledge-sim One finishes his first term-paper the very first day before attending even one class. ^^
Guess who isn’t taking his studies too serious.
Yes please.
just lol
If he’s heir he’ll need some OCD hubby.
Daddy control-calls pretty often :)
Two is so obsessed with cleaning, perhaps putting him into some dorm wasn’t really the right decision.
Two: Everybody loves me :D
I don’t atm! Every fucking time you shower I need somebody to clean up after you!
Aw, the nerd of the brothers is the first to have a crush. He’s the most outgoing of them after all.
Then I was too rash.
Sending Two into aspiration failure :(
As I usually cheat I rarely see this, so lol.
But after that he annoyed the crap out of me by crying all the fucking time.
I almost had Two alright again when the stupid canteen lady just HAD to set the kitchen on fire.
So Two broke down again...
...blocking the door for all the other people in the room.
But look at this:
They totally should be a boygroup lol
1. Uber-cute pyjama first kiss.
2. At last it sent him out of the red into platinum.
3. What a...romantic thought for the very first kiss o__O
Just for the fun of it :)
Pretty hot for a robot, isn’t he?
This, my friends, is what a winner looks like ^___^
Three had to learn that you can have only so much carefree fun at college.
While One decided to bug the canteen lady a little *g*
And look how cute he is at that!
What a happy little couple they are!
One: Punch and cover. Never forget the cover!
Two: I’m not boxing, One, now fuck off already!
Three: So aggressive, my dear brothers. You should really try this painting thing. It’s pure therapy :D
As Three floods the bathroom every time I usually put showering off until it’s really unavoidable.
Three: Boy or girl?
Good question, buddy, very good question.
Two: M-C-A
Yes, I do find that funny.
Then they ran for class and came back like this:
I lol’d so hard.
Time was flying (yeah, I wish) and the first semester finally ended causing Three of course to throw his long-wanted party.
Two invited a special someone =)
Let’s see who gets along with him better.
One plays the robot-card but Ron is not impressed at all.
Well, the popularity sim made the run.
Canteen Lady: Right next to you, guys, and not deaf.
That’s what I was waiting for!
Don’t wanna know what the old hag thinks of them now.
Saying goodbye =3
Then Ron started to cheat on Three.
(I missed to take screenshots, but One’s thought bubbles were first Ron then a crossed-out Three ^^)
Poor Three is so oblivious :(
One approves XD
Streaker Guy: Hey cutie, call me!
One: *plus*
Streaker Guy: You understood? Call. Me.
One: Yes, I think I grabbed the concept.
This is too cute for words.
Doesn’t it look like the llama’s a minister about to wed them? ^^
First kiss =D
...I heard bones crunch...
Phoebe approves ^^
Three goes to class, One comes from them.
I couldn’t resist trying out what might come out of this ;)
But argh, Ron, could you please stop walking into this room! For some reason it always deletes that table...
Well, at least he thinks of Three.
Phoebe: Wait, why can he have BOTH of my hot flatmates? D:
StalkerMe approves of the developments ;)
And again some bones were crushed.
Well, that’s what you get when cheating one robot with another ;)
Hehehe, the fun begins :)
Someone jealous?
Three: Hey bro, who’s calling?
One:! ...right, it’s dad!
Ron: *snicker*
Three: Oh, send Daddy my greetings, will you? :)
So naïve, bb!
Is he starting to suspect something?
Also, please note the new wallpaper designed to look old the boys treated the dorm to.
I don’t even wanna know.
You don’t even live here! (God beware!) GO AWAY!
Who needs a maid when you have a canteen lady and influence points? ^^
OMG, the sky must fall down anytime soon O___O
One: Yesterday I was to call him and today he’s already dancing at my younger brother. What a whore.
Look at Two’s face! Either he’s about to cry or laughing his ass off.
Do I wanna know what they’re talking about?
Well yes, I DO!
Obviously it was some kind of foreplay.
Btw, that’s One’s bed ;)
That wasn’t Ron’s first time, too? D: Slut.
Oh, I see, it just took him some time to realise he lost his precious virginity.
But he’s still a slut ;)
Um, Ron...who’re you trying to fool?
Oh yes, boys, that way nobody will ever notice!
Ron: Hmmm...manmeat.
Oh, come off it, you! You can’t have all three brothers.
still has to sit alone on meals.
Hello? There’s a clear MENsroom-sign on the door AND the floor, which part of that didn’t you understand, old hag?
He really aims for a foursome, doesn’t he?
Some time before his third semester mid-terms One strained his arm and couldn’t use it anymore for some time. I can totally hear him as an old man:
One: No, kiddo, can’t play Catch with you, an old sports wound, you see?
Grandchild: Baseball?
One: Chess.
Thankfully it unglitched when the llama joined him in another round of chess.
Oh holy llama!
Llama: I mended your arm, you should worship me, like this or something.
One: What is it with these people always following me into the bathroom?
What is with YOU doing your homework in the bathroom?
He’s really persistant...
How did this happen? They didn’t interact at all anymore ever since One and Three got hold of Ron.
Two: Shh, Ron, not now.
One: Two, too? Why do little brothers always copying their elders?
Three: *still oblivious*
One locked his door? What could that mean?
Poor baby.
I had Three propose while One was at class (for this legacy I have my anti-jealousy-hack out and am not feeling risky...)
Ron said yes! =D After all this sheets-rolling with One I half-expected him to refuse.
Two: Listen, you might look like a Greek God...
Ron: Aaw, how nice of you!
Two: ...but if you don’t do my homework I’ll tell Three about you, let’s see how much your beauty helps you then.
Ron: *gasp* You KNOW?
Dude, he was around the dorm all the fucking time...
Ron: Well, ok then...
Two: Sucker :)
All the three of them are short before their graduation and Three is engaged even, why do you turn up NOW?
Such beautiful lips!
Are uni profs always old people? I can’t tell with him...
Two made it first. I was so fed-up with everything, so no party for him (honestly, couldn’t there be some shortening of semesters for making it on the Dean’s List or something?)
He got his hair back! =D
I was hoping for Ron but One is great, too =D
Sorry for the picture size, I made it with Windows Movie Maker, still haven't quite gotten the hang of taking pictures out of the movies (my game crashes when I try to take several screenshots during special events camera to get a nice shot).
One: Ugh, I stepped into adulthood two seconds ago and already the back pains are starting?
Well, at least he’s close to his LTW already =D
Three actually grew up into some nice fashion sense :D
Of course Ron had to be introduced to the parents (meaning he moved in :))
He immediately started to make a good impression, haha.
Big family needs a big sofa =D (just showing off my newest download, something I wanted for SO long (remember that I don’t have NL ;))
After all that cooking (and cleaning) I finally could give Ron a nice makeover.
Ron Andersen
9 - Neat
(very good, considering Three’s way to shower)
3 - Shy
6 - Active
6 - Playful
4 - Grouchy
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: reach the top of the police career
Why do his asp and ltw HAVE to be the same like Three’s? With Marlene I now have THREE guys with this LTW in the game really loves this one, I have a whole lot of them in the whole neighbourhood *sigh*
Three first got a job as a street artist and leaves the house in no fun outfit =(
Ron uses the time to invite One over, step on his foot and. Eat. His. Face.
Still a family of happy skillers :)
Later that night, when Marlene was at work, a fucking chance card popped up again. I thought I’d get her demoted or fired or something for sure but...
Now, we’re officially rich ^^
The boys got a place in their dream careers =D Three with his college education was higher rank so no nice uniform =(
I had high hopes for Ron’s outfit but then this happened:
I missed the pop and his face :( because I had the game at full speed as I totally wasn’t expecting this.
Tune in again next time when we find out:
- whose baby Ron is bearing
- if Bo reaches his LTW
- if this house will ever get finished building (they have the money now but I’m too easily bored to do everything at once)
Warnings: 133 pictures, unbrotherly behaviour, (censored) nudity, Uni takes so long :(