(no subject)

Jan 05, 2008 22:48

hahah ohkkayys. todayy i was wondering if anybody...
hadd the Ryutaro's English for download. i saw it on youtube. haha but i wanna have it to put on my PSP. :3

[Currently doing]: 
+Still wanting to do that LJ layout. damned laptop doesn't have photoshopp.
+liking MC sniper & outsider.. some amazing korean rappers.
+being my bored self.
+getting ready to g that kanji thing.

[should be doing. but isnt :3]:
+my earth science lab.
+studying for my math test.
+SHOULD be going to my swim competition tomorrow.

[doing tomorrow]:
+going to eatt dimsum i guess.

i found this out like twoo days ago. but then i forgot to post this. ANYWAY this is my time to squeal for thee one & only lovable kusano who has been gone for like 2 years now. & uchi. now theyre finally not trainees anymore but mostly kusano x3 sorry uchi fans :3. i really don't think most people would wanna see this so im cutting it :3


haha i know this was annonced like on the 3rd or something but STILL! i must scream. i forgot anyway xD ohkayy. so maybe i can't really scream over the computerrr. but :3 you wouldn't want to be near me now in real life. HAHA XD 
--> & finally old man johnny is finally letting my kusano & uchi free!! HAHA you don't know HOW MANY TIMES i have complained about kusano not being back! >O< 
----> & now i wanna just hug johnny. ohkayy NEVERMIND. i get cold when i say that and start to twitch. unimaginable. LOL
-----> since uchi is starring in a drama lucky butt-ness him & not fair i truly am happy for him. but ITS JUST NOT FAIIRRR! what about my dearr kusano? :O
------> about: THE NEWS & Kanjani8 thingyy. i knoww that there are like two sides ot this... should they both return to NEWS or Kanjani8? or go solo? well i heard rumors about going solo so that's that. to be honest, i don't know if they should go solo or go back to NEWS. i mean i love kusano & uchi. and i love NEWS. but as much as i hoped they would return to NEWS... now im not too sure... i mean NewS is doing so well as 6 members and they all seem to get along really great. and with such great smiles on their faces. and very successful too. & if kusano DOES happen to go solo, i can see him more...hahah i 
sound so greedy. xD 
-------------> and speaking about returning. its called KANJANI EIGHT. as of right now i only see SEVEN members. incase some people can't do math. 8 is not seven. xD
i would LOVE to stay & fangirl but you knoww i have other topics i wanna cover. before i forget. me & my bad memory. xD

so i want to know what other thinks. should they return to NEWS and/or for uchi Kanjani8?

&& my next very UNLOVABLE topic.

thee rumors concerning yamada & yuto about they're rumored girlfriends. RAWRR. i HATE people who spread rumors. RAWRRR.! 
this ISNT an easy topic to type! :[[

i know that these rumors started up awhile ago on the internet. but you see i've never really paid attention. well i looked a bit into the yuto's rumor a bit more since there was the picture. which COULD have been photoshopped..

--> so i decided yesterday to serch a little bit more on the internet. xD yes yes im being nosyy && i also went and looked into takaki's girlfriend story... 
----> so there were yuto & takaki's purikura i think thats how you spell it.. i forgot.. hahha xD well anyway so i saw that some people said that therumored girlfriend was shida i forogt her first name... but it was the girl that played megu in tantei gakuen q. shes pretty & kakkoii :3 BUT thats not what im trying to say. how come theres no picture for them..hmmm just wndering. i've heard she was a famous girl... ahh but whatever.
-------> takaki's pics... yeah i knew he had sunglasses on... but the link to make the picture bigger was broken... so i didnt see it in more xD 
---------> yuto's pic. haha the girl has nice hair not my point... i mean it kinda does look like yuto.. but seriously... his face is like covered.

my very accepted reasons NOT to believe these rumors...
2. i won't believe it until it comes out of the person's own mouth.
3. i won't belive that old man johnny lets his little boys date like this
4. i heard johnny does let the date.. but then i heard that if it gets out into public then they are seperated.. but still another rumor...
5. if its true.... wouldn't it be broadcasted on news or newspapers? well they are newspapers after all. 
6. if they do happen to have girlfriends AT THIS AGE. then they're further entertainment business is a bye-bye. haha less fangirls. xD 
7. totally random: but i can picture the rumored girlfriends like attacking fangirls for fangirling their man. xD HAHHA

so BLEHHH. i hate these rumors.. & i seriously hate people who start it. assholes

btww... i was WONDERING. for the topic ^ up there. i didn't see yamada's pics so i can't jdge upon that... but between takaki's & yuto's 
im wondering why they are like designed so similar... do they like really have no creativitey? o.o

KANJI TIME! #6-10 im tired & fustrated from the last topic. so i'll only do 6-10 xD

numbers six thru tenn.
whenn i find an easier way to describe the stroke order ill do that instead.. for now, since its only simple numbers, ill describe.. i do know how to describe it in chinese pinyin but... not all people understand chinese... o_o

on-yomi is chinese reading
and kun-yomi is the japanese reading.
if you dont get that...

i don't really want to get into to much detail. anyway. they will say which is which. if i use symbols i'd probably mix them up haha baka xD

六 On-yomi: Roku ;; Kun-yomi: mut(tsu), mu(tsu) ;; English Meaning: six. Strokes: four
stroke order: 1. the dot on the top. 2. the horizontal line. 3. the left... line... stroke.. whatever..4. the right one.

七 On-yomi: Shichi ;; Kun-yomi: nana(tsu), nana ;; english meaning: seven. Strokes: 2
stroke order: 1. somewhat horizontal line. 2. the thing that goes vertical and the horizontal then the little thing that stick up all in one stroke
八 On-yomi: hachi ;; kun-yomi: yat(tsu), ya(tsu) English meaning: eight. strokes: 2
stroke order: the left one thn the right one so.. 1. left 2. right

九 on-yomi: kyuu, ku ;; kun-yomi: kokono(tsu) english meaning: nine strokes: 2
stroke order: the vertical thing on the left that curves at the end. 2. the one that goes horizontal then down.
十 on-yomi: juu ;; kun-yomi: too english meaning: ten strokes: 2
stroke order: 1. horizontal 2. vertical

wahha what a long post today...

editt: as of January 6th::

As of now requests are : open // closed

requestt form:

do you want to provide pics or i'll find them:
any special words:
if you want text or not (if you don't want specific words. but still want words i'll make up somehting lol):
time you need it: notee: you only fill this out if YOU NEEEDDD! it. xD 
where you are gonna use it:

im sorry. but my computer sorta broke down... so i have to fix it. & im using my laptop now... & theres no photoshopp. when i either get photoshop on it, or i get my comuter back. they will be opened.

gomenasai ^^

misc:japanese, hey!say!jump:yamadaryosuke, *2008o1, hey!say!jump:morimotoryutaro

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