Nov 26, 2004 14:25
Wow this break has gone by way to fast... I have so much crap to do before I leave...
1. Qualifier for Chem
2. Extra Credit Lab for Chem
3. Find Some more info for my health project
4. Do laundry
5. Finish burning this CD bc its takin forever
Ya seems like alot. Moms getting my stuff for my chem lab and the qualifier isnt do till tuesday so ill probably ending up doing it monday bc stupid me I forgot my book at school and its all from the book... the health project mom gave me some of her old nursing books that ill just end up taking home... i have no idea what to do for my visual aid... oh ya im sure ill figure it out... laundry hmm il probably end up starting that later or tonight i dont really have that much... and the cd well its taking forever... its only like 4 songs... i dont even think their that big.. oh well... the first song is still inspecting... 16% WOOO lol it goes like a percent a few seconds. grr its gonna piss me off i know it and then it wont get done bc ill have to stop and ya... but mike said he wanted to put pictures on a CD well he can wait bc i wanna get this done first... oh well im gonna go watch this burn and maybe start laundry... later