I should of posted it sooner and now here I go! Wow this year I had a great time! Here's whats been going on.
My cosplay: My Brain Age is doing strong as usual. One of my favorite part was I found the Emi cosplayer and I asked her to come along with me so I can get my DDR cosplay out. And we did some few photoshoot together. That was pretty cool to see another DDR character and I managed to have her pose along wit me. Hiyama Kiyoteru cosplay didn't do much for me since only the hardcore Vocaloid fan will probably recognize it. But sadly the Vocaloid gathering I went to was so ackward that I don't think I fit in well by the fact that I WAS cosplaying a Vocaloid character. I'm glad Brain Age cosplay got to have its shoot along wit Cooking Mama cosplayer. The only disappointment was I didn't get to wear my kigurumi godzilla outfit and Kyoya Ootari from OHC but hopefully I would wear them later.
My involvement with B&W Ball: I did my usual routine of how I helped people how to get started and work on their form so they feel confortable dancing. Plus I got to learn new stuff for my self as well. I even went around the con and told every fancy cosplayer i've seen to come check our B&W Ball. I feel very honored to be part of it that I didn't even know at the beginning of the B&W Ball they got to introduce me to the attandees so they can easily find us and to ask to for dance partners. I could not believe I gotten so much better at swing dancing that I never went all out with my dance partner after teacher her the basic. B&W Ball this year was the best out of the previous years and hopefully it'll keep it strong. I'm also want to get better at Swing dancing so badly before my next one! My biggest highlight of the con for me.
I also enjoyed hanging out with many old and new friends, got invited to couple room parties, helping E-gaming for little bit because my major involvement with B&W Ball as dance assistance. And OMG!! THE BURRITOZILLA!!! TO BIG FOR ME TO HANDLE!!! My only disappointment was my camera had a lens error during B&W Ball which I wish I tooken more pics. Umm well I got to get that fixed or get a new one before AX. It was a great year as usual and hope its keep it strong!