Wondercon 2010 & Cherry Blossom Festival 2010 Report

Apr 20, 2010 09:40

April was pretty cool although I'm still can't wait till Fanime next month! So heres some April report.

Wondercon: I was happy that I wasn't scheduled to work on day 1 and day 2 so I went for both of em. Sadly the day 1 was pretty boring since I haven't seen many people I knew nor seen much great cosplay. The highlight of that day was playing SSFIV before it comes out. But just aside from that, that's all I get... I was so disappointed that I left early went to Walgreen and worked on Brain Age Express: Sudoku cosplay since my Brain Age 2 cosplay had dust mold on it that I had to throw it away.
Next day really made my day! Got my Brain Age cosplay done through the whole night brought it and it was still crazy! I went through couple interviews because my costume stands out. It was packed and I'm glad I got to see many of my friends and we even had a dinner gathering even though I should of gotten better food for the price we paid for. I was little disappointed what the Masquerade had to offer aside from looking at awesome cosplays or costumes but it was okay but not terrible. Overall the con was still keeping it strong for me especially my updated Brain Age cosplay and I'm glad I saw more of my friends showing up to this con and hopefully we can do it again!


Cherry Blossom Festival Parade: Seen so many cosplayers and I was taking many pics! I can't believe I took more pics than Wondercon and thats a pretty big con (not as big as Comic con but its up there). I hung out wit some people and looked around if there's other cosplayer I missed. Then we lined up to get ready for the parade and we begin marching. I was soo pumped some times I couldn't stop cheering for us that I started chanting "WE LOVE COSPLAY!" and we did it together at certain area. After that its typical hang out and chill out since we were so exhausted from walking from Civic Center towards J-town. I still had alots of fun like the other years and I ended up having a sunburn on my arms since it was hot that day.

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