Dickens Fair is now over till next year so I'm doing my report. Its too bad I couldn't attend all due to working on one of the weekend but at least I attend 4 to make up for what I paid for (I paid 57 dollars for a pass so I don't have to spend total of 88 dollars altogether, money's worth). So the only day I attend was Day 2, Day 5, Day 7 and Day 9. I'll try to sum up my time at one of the day.
Day 2: Wandered around the place took pics and danced wit wonderful people. My skill in waltzing improved alot compare to my first year attending them plus I was testing out what I learned from Intermediate Ballroom to convert to V Waltz. And I'm pretty happy who I danced wit. I can't believe the can can girls actually let me do crazy stuff (kiss her leg) just for our picture.
Day 5: I was looking forward for that day but sadly it was pretty slow. Not many people I knew showed up and not many interesting people that I wanted to dance wit (Yes, I'm very picky since I prefer well dressed partner that will get me into the mood to romantically waltz wit them). Wondering around for picks was pretty much the same since I already done that on Day 2. For me it was okay and nothing really special... At least dancing wit one of the can can girl and have her pose in different way was like the highlight for me. Whats even worst was most of my other friends showed up on a Saturday (Day 4) but I couldnt since I had to work.
Day 7: I was little worried that I may not have a great time since last Sunday (Day 5) wasn't that great. That day did not disappoint. I talked wit few other fellow people I met at previous cons and I danced wit so many awesome and lovely partners. I even learned few moves as well as finishing my move when the music ends. I played Winked for the first time, so much kisses. My last partner for Waltz dressed very beautiful that I'm glad she offered to give me the last dance.
Day 9: It was super packed! Whats really new was watching the Can Can Girls perform at Fezziwig Warehouse and watch Young Scrooge and Young Belle meeting Old Scrooge and Old Belle along wit the present of Ghost of Present and Future. Although I had so much trouble dancing because it was very crowded on the dance floor. I had a great dance wit couple lovely partners and pretty impressive ones as well. I had a very young partner who's 15 that can flow wit my swinging moves. I also bought a new vest and bow to blend in wit the victorian ball scene and for formal attires (Fanime's B&W Ball and AX's Masquerade Ball). The day went an hour longer since its the last day so it was pretty cool. My last partner dressed like Belle from Beauty and the Beast in her yellow ballgown (but it was suppose to be a Civil War ballgown from what she told me) and it was great dancing wit her and way to end the Dickens Fair event for me. I got to eat out wit a friend and other group I got to know after the event was over.
I really enjoyed this year's event than my first since I've improved alot in my waltz and danced wit more various people. Satisfied wit this year and hopefully looking forward to what next year has to offer.
Here's my pic from the event.