The Heards & the Bees

Apr 16, 2007 11:21

Is anyone familiar with Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)? It's been happening lately in the US & Europe. CCD is when a beehive is suddenly left empty by all adult workers, leaving the queen, immature bees, and eggs. The worker bees that fly off simply never return to the nest. The amount of bees disappearing has been increasing in many areas, causing some people to worry about this year's crop harvest and international food supplies.

Well, now some German researchers are saying that there is evidence that the phenomena may be related to cell phone use. Apparently, when bees are near cell phones, it totally throws off their internal direction system (see the article for more info). It seems to me that CCD should have happened sooner, since cell phones have been around for a while, but maybe there's something different with the new GSM phones. If true, it's like something from a Douglas Adams book. I mean, if our desire to have neat things directly results in massive world-wide extinctions (including our own), that's just sick and wrong on a cosmic level.
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