May 30, 2009 04:29
You know...every Supreme Court Judge takes an Oath. It's a sacred Oath that states that they will serve Justice and regard people equally, both rich and poor. It's sad that nowadays, we look for Supreme Court Nominees that are going to violate that Oath. What ever happened to the symbol of Lady Justice? Blindfolded so that she judges not with her eyes, but by the merits of the case before her? Justice NEEDS to be blind. It needs to treat people equally. It doesn't matter if you're a schlub who works at Taco Bell or a close, personal friend of the President. If you break the law, you pay the price. I know someone who is on my Friends List who was behind on his Taxes, not through his own fault, but because his accountant screwed him over. Did the Government give HIM a pass? Did the Government allow him to run the IRS or write the Tax Code? No, he paid the penalties imposed and suffered the consequences.
Will this new Judge rule equally? Will she look at the Constitution, which she will swear to uphold, and decide whether the case before her is Constitutional or not? Or whether a Law, passed by a Legislative branch of Government, has been broken? Or, will she use Empathy and rule from her Heart?
Hopefully, the Republicans won't be intimidated by threats of "Racism" to ask very specific questions regarding her association with La Raza or her comment about a Latina woman being better than a White man. Anybody who makes a comment like that should not even be considered for the position. I'm sure the defense of, "she misspoke" will work for some. But, she's also said things on tape, knowingly, about being a Judicial Activist. Questions, questions.