TT_TT *tearful blubbering*

Jul 26, 2011 03:52

I'm still in was several hours ago that I heard about Isshi passing away, but I'm still in shock. I used to keep up with J-Music news on JaME regularly, but hadn't all month because of Camp NaNoWriMo. I had some extra time tonight (or, yesterday night, rather, as it's now almost 4 in the morning) and got on to see what I'd missed. The top news story was about Isshi's passing.

I couldn't believe my eyes, but once it hit - not 5 seconds later - I was in tears. Nothing has ever gotten me crying that hard, that fast, I don't think. (This might make me a bad niece, but I didn't even cry this quickly when I heard that my aunt has at most 4 months to live. It took several hours for that to sink in and even then I didn't cry much.) I think my entire world just stopped when I heard. It took me a good two hours to stop crying and I've still been tearing up every so often. And I need a new box of tissues; I went through almost an entire box in that two hours. I can't imagine how much harder it must be for his family and friends to be dealing with. I wonder what's happened to his dear little pets? I'm tired, but I can't even sleep. It doesn't seem real, somehow. I mean...he's ISSHI. He can't be gone. It's impossible.

It was hard enough to deal with Kagrra, disbanding. I couldn't even watch their last live right away when I got it - I think I was one of the first to get my copy, because it got here just a couple of days after they started shipping - and once I was able to bring myself to, I had to do it in several sittings because I was crying so much. I don't know if I'll be able to watch any more Kagrra, for a while now. Or listen to them. *tearing up* It hurts too much. *wants the oni back*

R.I.P. Isshi. You're already missed and you'll never be forgotten.

*crawls off to hide under comforter and cry herself to sleep*
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