As all of you know, Chinese New Year is approaching in about 5 days' time.
It's time to pay respects to those who have immigrated to the heaven.
Since I have to go to the Bright Hill Mt to pay respect to my aunt this friday afternoon, I decided to crash this morning's MacroEconomics lecture @ LT 18 from 9-11am. Didn't knew which Dip was allocated that lecture slot.
Saw Vanessa, Joey & SG. That 3 hours break between the morning tutorial and afternoon lecture is such a long wait that people are willing to wake up early in order to slack earlier on fri.
The teacher, I think he's Mr Yong, gave Timeout chocolates. Bravo!
The lecture ended in an hour's time. Though the lecturer can go through more of the other topics in the remaining time, he didn't. So I decided to crash lecture again. This time, entrepreneurship presentation @ LT 42, Engineering School.
I didn't take entrepreneurship as one of my CDS but the others, namely PQ, Alicia & Eileen are actually invited there to have a look & brief idea of the presentation. And it was because of this invitation that they didn't join me for the Macro lec.
During the 1 hour break, Sondra is having the same old problem again. No idea of what to eat for lunch.
But then, had no choice but to settle for KFC.
I ordered a Student Meal - Zinger. $4.50
Don't think I will have it again next time.
The standard drops as time pass by.
Late for lecture.
Walking back to school at a very slow pace.
It's difficult to walk between 2 people and holding the umbrella for them. As seen in this case, Sondra is walking at a incorrect tempo. The feets do not know where to stand firm.
Lastly, Happy Chinese New Year from the Business Statisics lecturers.
Got 'A' for my coursework!