OB tutorial in the morning was cancelled. Can slack all the way till 3 in the afternoon.
I was busy doing my Financial Accounting 2 tutorial, Accounting for Incomplete Records.
Ms Goh's favourite subject. Me too!
Then my neighbour came by to give us some goodies. We need not buy beers or lollipops to get them.
Nano chups that are not edible and
not suitable for those who are below 14 years of age.
I have got the chocolate and orange flavour.
The Mahjong Card Set by Tiger is rather modern. You don't play with tiles.
They provide you with cards(in place of tiles), 3 number dices and a chinese character dice.
Interested? Get it at the convenient stores with every purchase of 2 6-Can Pack (323ml).
While stocks last.
The MacroEconomics lecture in the late afternoon was really cool in a sense that the entire lecture took place without the lights. Not that we were getting ready for Valentine's Day or some surprise.
Lecturer Yang said she is the ONLY lecturer in TP who is so suay.
She says everything starts to malfunction when she enters the LT and everything will be back to normal once she steps out.
I know it's bad for the eyes. But the picture below tells you how we, the A&F student managed to survive this lecture without lights except for those small light source, namely handphones and the torchlight function that is available in some phones.
Guys were actually making shadows.
He kept turning his head...
Was he looking for me?