This ep kicked ass.
”I’m not going to let you die, you’re like a father to me.”
Bobby is love. Period. And the whole pain that’s involved with his becoming a hunter only makes me love him more. Oh Bobby.
The - even if short - appearance of drunk!Sam makes me happy. He does maudlin so beautifully ♥
Most goosebumpy moment in this week’s ep: upsidedown rain. CREEPY. Who makes up scary stuff like that anyway?
Why do all spirit or evil women always wear white dresses or robes? It can't solely be the fact that their bleeding, decaying bodies stand out better, right? 'Cause ewww.
Crap. Bela. - Bela. Crap. Yeah, that about sums it up. ;p
Well Dean, that was one wonky police officer impersonation *shakes head* You used to be velvety smooth, man.
Bela/Sam. Uhm… it has its charm. Only if mostly for the part where Sam's all drooling and awkwardly awkward. *shifty eyes*
Sam’s face when he saw the part with Lisa playing out in Dean’s dream is so bittersweet. It’s as if in this moment he noticed that his brother’s dreams aren’t so different from the ones that Sam buried the day Jess died. *chokes up*
I may or may not have drooled a lot over the scene in which Sam is all strung out and bound tight. *flails*
The Dean vs nightmare!Dean sequence was magnificently cut. It added all the more to the mocking. Brilliantly performed by Mr Ackles too.
I love the way Dean get’s all defensive when it comes to how he was always there for Sam while John wasn’t. But then, I also find it achingly sad because of all the burdens he’s carried around with him ever since John made him the brave little soldier. Maybe I resent John for it. Maybe I also think he had his reasons.
Man, those Winchester are seriously fucked up.
psychic!Sammy reference FTW!! What, I’m still grasping at straws here when it comes to prospect of boy king Sam.
I wonder if there’s a significance in the fact that Dean shot himself. Again. Well, another doppelgänger but who cares for details.
That demon!Dean snapping his fingers at the very last frame made shivers running down my spine. It doesn’t bode well, does it?
"I’m my worst nightmare."
The most troubling question however is what Pa Bender is doing at that bar having a drink.
But then dead people drinking whiskey at public bars really shouldn't make me raise an eyebrow anymore.
Is it next Thursday yet?