...have a bite.
Was cleaning out part of my bookmarks *pats firefox* and saved everything I thought saveworthy but there's still tons of fanfic and other rec lists to sift through. Until I find the time to actually do that, here, let me point you to some lovely fanfics.
5 Supernatural Fic Recs, all gen
Never-Neverland by
laguera25 Most of life passes unremarked; but there are moments that last forever and shape those that come after them. Locked in a room with who he hopes is Sam, Dean stands watch with a gun, a bottle of Beam, and four moments.
Thoroughly structured take on how the Winchesters became who they are. Enchanting writing and deep glances inside the characters's heads.
Complete - R: PG - Angst - One-Shot - Words: 8430 - Published: 3-11-07
Towards Dean by
wine-into-water He knows how ironic it all is, that the last steps he takes in his life are away from his father and towards Dean.
Beautifully crafted piece of writing - mesmerizing, achy and heartwrenching. The theme of loss and it's lingering presence is woven in skillfully and left me with a lump in my throat.
Complete - R: PG - Gen/Angst - One-Shot - Words: 2583 - Published: 3-10-07
Strange How Hard It Rains by
somersaulter He is standing in the middle of the parking lot, head tilted towards the sky.
Haunting and poignant portrayal of the brothers.
Complete - R: PG - Angst - One-Shot - Words: 858 - Published: 4-2-07
To Ease My Hurting by
grim-lupine The night that Jess dies, Sam sits in their hotel room, staring out the window with a beer to his lips, completely dry-eyed.
The numbness and desparation in this feels so real, as well as the strength provided by Dean. A lovely read.
Complete - R: PG - Angst - One-Shot - Words: 747 - Published: 4-3-07
One Week by
faye-dartmouth It's been a week since the exorcism, a week since Sam was not Sam, a week since they both knew a version of hell on earth.
Well written episode tag that nicley depicts how the brothers struggle to come to terms after the events of BUABS.
Complete - R: PG - Angst - One-Shot - Words: 4895 - Published: 4-15-07
More recs @ my
Supernatural fanfic recs (mostly gen)
There's also the brand new
asylum_spnfics hosting a Supernatural ficathon secret santa style for everyone attending the
Asylum Convention. Sign-Ups are still running, so hop on to the bandwagon, folks, bip, bip, bip.